3 Dangers of Cheap Translation Services

Buying cheap translation services may seem like a thrifty way to get your translation project underway—but the dangerous consequences far outweigh the “good price”.

Whether you accept the lowest quoted price from a translation company or look internally for a bilingual coworker to do the translation and “save money”—you put yourself and your company at risk of potentially devastating consequences.

1. Risk of Legal Exposure

Language services providers (LSPs) that offer translation services at impossibly low prices typically do not follow a series of quality checks to ensure accurate translation. Cutting quality assurance checks from the translation process is a way for those LSPs to cut corners, cut costs, and consequently, offer cheap translation.

Lack of quality assurance will result in translation errors.

If you work in a regulated industry like food, pharmaceutical, or financial sectors—it is imperative to receive accurate translation. Any mistake may result in expensive and lengthy lawsuits that cost your company money and time.

The same goes for any contracts, HR documents, legal documents, etc. Inaccurate translation on these types of documents will have lawyers knocking on your door. Can your company afford it?

2. Ruined Reputation

Erroneous translation from cheap language services devastates your reputation. It is hazardous to your ROI and you will lose potential customers.

For example, if a company starts selling their food product in another country, and an ingredient is mistranslated, it could have huge ramifications. A customer could have an allergic reaction to the mistranslated ingredient and sue the company for medical damages.

Damaged reputation = damaged revenue

When word gets out about a situation like this, your company’s brand image will be damaged, revenue will decline, and a LOT of money will be lost settling the claim. Are you willing to take that risk for “cheap” services?

3. Expensive Corrections

YES! You saved the company money by getting cheap translation!

Uh-oh… There are multiple mistakes and the company must pay MORE money to fix it. That does not make you or your company look good.

Cheap translation causes a chain reaction of more work and more expenses. Depending on the severity of the mistakes, your company could pay much more money to correct the translation—than the amount paid for the original, cheap translation.

Do NOT be the company that skimps on quality professional translation services for the sake of “saving money”

It will always cause more damage than good. 

High Quality Translation Services are Worth It

As you search for language services that fit your needs, remember to seek quality language services from a company that truly has your success in mind.

An experienced LSP will:

  • Follow multiple quality checks throughout the translation process
  • Personalize solutions based on your needs
  • Utilize highly qualified language professionals who specialize in the domain
  • Use the latest technology to improve consistency and maintain translation memory databases
  • Offer localization consulting based on your company’s goals

The right LSP for you will always go above and beyond to provide high quality language services that fit your specific needs.

Language Services and Your Upcoming Budget

Creating your company’s annual budget can be a daunting task. It is detailed and grueling work that involves many man hours to assess and complete.

For many companies, including language services in the annual budget is an afterthought, or non-existent—leading to unexpected expenses and changing deadlines when the need for professional translation or other language services arise.

Whether you’re an international company or an organization that uses language services domestically, there are valuable benefits to including a language services budget within your company’s annual budget.

Monthly Retainer

Does your company need professional translation services regularly, but only small amounts at a time?

For example, translation of:

  • Email correspondence with international colleagues and business partners
  • Social media posts across company platforms
  • Customer feedback and reviews

If this is how your company uses language services, consider this: You can avoid paying minimum fees over and over for smaller bits of text if you set up a monthly retainer with your language services provider (LSP). This lowers your overall translation cost and can be easily added to your annual budget.

If you think a monthly retainer for language services is the right solution for your organization, partner with an experienced LSP to discuss your options.

Unexpected Events

What is the annual budget’s greatest enemy? Unexpected events that create unexpected expenses!

When you need language services unexpectedly, it can cause chaos and delayed deadlines. Not to mention—there is often a lengthy process to get the expenses approved, delaying projects even further.

Including language services in your budget is always best practice in case your company needs professional translation, interpreting services, localization consulting, or other language services unexpectedly.

Prepping for Tight Deadlines

Successful and growing companies have tight deadlines that need to be met in order to achieve their goals. As a business matures, some deadlines become predictable.

If your organization needs language services at the same times every year, this is an advantage when creating your annual budget.

Partner with an experienced LSP ahead of your next budget meeting to discuss your predictions of when you will need language services like translation and interpreting throughout the year.

Setting deadlines ahead of time allows the LSP to be prepped and ready with a hand-picked translation team to work on your translation and localization projects. These language professionals will be chosen by their proficiency in the subject matter. For example businessmedical, legal, education, manufacturing, and other domains.

Discussing deadlines and expectations with an LSP gives you negotiating power and flexibility. Giving an LSP guaranteed business means they are better able to serve you and your scope of work, making it more possible to give you volume discounts on your planned projects, and ultimately help you get more out of your budget.

Is Your Translation Vendor Using Unreliable Online Translation Engines?

Your organization pays translation services providers good money to ensure accurate and high-quality translation. There’s no reason to think that they would allow their translators to use free online translation engines like Google Translate… right?

Then you remember the correction requests that have come in after publishing translated content…

… the PANIC from the urgency to fix it

… and the HASSLE of submitting corrections through the translation process ALL OVER AGAIN.

Not to mention that translation mistakes could potentially damage the organization’s reputation, delay deadlines, and cause financial loss. What a nightmare!

You know where the mistakes came from (your translation vendor), but do you know why?

What you and most users of translation services may not know is that many translation providers ALLOW their translators access to online translation engines – like Google Translate – during the translation process, which can lead to inaccurate translation, financial loss, breached confidentiality, and unfortunately – PANIC MODE.

How does my vendor allow access to online translation engines?

When your provider sends your content to language professionals to be translated, reviewed, and checked for quality assurance, they work inside a software environment called Computer Assisted Translation (CAT tool).

What is a CAT tool?

Without getting too technical, a CAT tool takes all your previously translated content from your organization, compares it to newly submitted content, and makes suggestions to the translator based on similarities found in the previously translated material.

Basically… this tool speeds up translation and can save you money.

But… your translation vendor controls what CAT tool is used, and the features that are activated within it.

Features like—wait for it— allowing translators access to online translation engines (like Google Translate) within the tool!

Is using free online translation REALLY that bad?

YES—YES—a thousand times YES! Why?


Online translation engines operate entirely differently than human translators. These engines base their translation solely on statistical methods (the most frequently used translated replacement for each word) instead of considering the context of the content.

And context is key.

Qualified, educated, and creative human translators use cultural context combined with subject matter knowledge to produce accurate and quality translations. Therefore, they should be highly favored over translation engines EVERY time.

Using online translation engines puts your organization at high risk of inaccurate, embarrassing, and costly errors within your content.

To think that translation services providers would even allow translators the option to utilize tools like Google Translate is entirely counter-intuitive and totally boggles the mind.

But there is another, very real danger to using free online translation engines during the translation process.

Breach of Confidentiality

ANY information put through an online translation engine could be accessible to anyone!

In 2017, a massive breach at Translate.com (a translation engine powered by Microsoft Translator) led to thousands of people’s highly sensitive data exposed on the internet, within Google searches!

Many online translation engines don’t keep the possibility of information exposure a secret.

If your translation vendor allows their translators access to online translation engines, then your organization’s content is already at risk of exposure.

How do I find out if my vendor uses online translation engines?

There is a very simple solution to finding out if your translation services providers allow the use of translation engines in their CAT tool…

… just ask!

If you regularly use translation services or are in charge of coordinating translation services in your organization, ask your vendors if they allow the use of online translation engines within their CAT tool. And if they tell you they do… then tell them to STOP.

Protect your organization’s information, reduce costly corrections, and take control.

Tell your vendors to turn off features that allow translators access to online translation engines in their CAT tool.

Your peace of mind will thank you for it.

International Translation Day: How Language Professionals Affect Our Everyday Lives

Do you enjoy products and services from other countries? Have you had medical procedures done with advanced medical technology? Many of us do not think twice about the everyday conveniences we enjoy because of the efforts of translators and interpreters. 

The U.N. adopted International Translation Day (September 30th) with the purpose of spreading awareness of and paying tribute to the important work language professionals play in our everyday lives around the globe. The significance of September 30th lies in biblical history with Saint Jerome, the patron saint of translators and interpreters. He was the first to translate the bible into Latin and his feast day is September 30th.

It is impossible to list all the ways translators and interpreters affect our lives, but you may discover a new appreciation for these hard-working language professionals when reading facts on how they contribute to a changing world.

Medical Technology

New medical technologies are developed around the world every day by teams of engineers, medical professionals, and scientists. With international cooperation, sharing these advances benefit millions of people. This distribution would NOT be possible without dedicated language professionals.

Interpreters relay medical discoveries & advancements in conferences every year for the medical community. They overcome language barriers to facilitate communication and ideas between medical professionals that ultimately benefit world health.

New medical equipment shipped to hospitals in different countries require accurate manuals for assembling devices and instructions on how to use them. Companies partner with language service providers who employ native translators to carry their message into the target language.

Without these language professionals we would not benefit from technological advances in medicine that save millions of lives every day.

International Efforts & Cooperation

Behind the scenes of our routine lives, interpreters facilitate dialogue between nations that promote cooperation and understanding. These talks range from fostering world peace and security, negotiating trade policies to strengthen economies, contributing to development, and so much more.

Global discussions effect all countries and their citizens. The accuracy of the interpreted message is imperative when connecting nations with common goals and protecting their citizens. Interpreters enable lasting relationships on a global scale.

International Business

Language professionals are responsible for ALL international business efforts that affect the global economy. Translators convert languages for business documents, marketing materials, websites, employee handbooks and more for companies expanding to new international markets.

These efforts allow us consumers accessibility to thousands of products and services around the globe. With the help of the Internet and translation efforts, we now have endless options for our shopping pleasure.

Interpreters also assist in international business efforts and partnerships. With video remote technology, over-the-phone interpreting, and new on-demand interpreting platforms, there are more ways to hold business meetings with international business partners.

We are Grateful

Interpreters and translators have one common goal – to facilitate communication between people. Their work impacts our lives every day in visible and in unseen ways. They foster understanding between individuals and nations for the benefit of global society. We are grateful for all the work they do to connect us to the world.

How to Support a Multilingual Workforce

To maintain their edge in the global marketplace, it is increasingly vital for companies to have a multilingual workforce. But simply creating this kind of workforce is not enough to guarantee success. Leaders at all levels must act strategically to help employees in a multilingual workforce both reach their individual potential and collaborate as a team.

Here are three of the most effective ways to do that.

1. Provide Language Training

Offering language training for employees will improve communication and productivity for global companies in a variety of scenarios. Language training should be mandatory when employees are relocated overseas (those who are staying more than a year need at least 300 hours of training), when employees collaborate virtually with colleagues who speak a different language and when clients or customers speak a different language than most company employees.

Surprisingly, though, language training often gets overlooked. According to a survey on employee relocations by Altair Global, 43% of companies did not offer language training to employees who were making international moves. One reason this happens is that if employees already have some proficiency in a language, companies assume that training will not be beneficial. But that is not true. Working all day with native speakers is a whole new challenge, even for someone who has studied a language for many years. Most expats comment that they did not understand anything when they arrived in their new country, despite 10+ years of study. The real deal is nothing like the classroom.

In a multilingual workforce, employees are not the only ones who should expand their language skills. When executives gain even a little fluency in a language that a segment of their workforce speaks, their efforts send a powerful message of respect and inclusion.

2. Educate Beyond Language

Both language and cultural barriers can affect the success of a multilingual workforce. After all, communicating is not just about the words you use. It is also about understanding all the nuances of a culture and a workplace. Company rules, certain ideas that do not translate even with words, certain policies and even office etiquette can be confusing to an employee whose previous work experience has been entirely in a different culture.

To eliminate that confusion, look for ways to help all employees understand the company, the culture as a whole and their colleagues who come from different cultures. Ensure that important documents, like your employee handbook, are available in everyone’s native language. Even when an employee has enough fluency to read the handbook in its original language, there still may be unfamiliar terms or concepts that just do not translate. So, make sure to consider a glossary that explains terms as well. Never assume everyone understands what a health insurance deductible is!

Another way to increase cultural fluency is to hold brown-bag lunches on topics like business etiquette, the different cultures in your company or even challenges your employees might encounter outside the office, like managing their kids’ education. (An added bonus to these sessions is that they create more opportunities for non-native speakers to get conversational practice in their second language.)

3. Adjust Your Routines

A multilingual workforce requires daily practice and adjustments that are not necessary with a monolingual workforce. Take meetings, for example. Employees who are not native speakers of the language the meeting is conducted in can have trouble keeping up. So, it is a good idea to both send out bullet points ahead of the meeting and a written summary afterward.

These employees may also hesitate to voice their ideas because they feel awkward speaking in their second language. To make sure they are being heard, meeting leaders can make a point of asking everyone for their input.

Meetings that happen via conference call are even more difficult for non-native speakers because they cannot see the mouths of the other people speaking or pick up on their body language. If possible, switch to video conferences instead of conference calls so all participants can see each other. Another helpful hint is for someone to type bullet points of what is being mentioned in the chat box.

Supporting a multilingual workforce takes extra resources — and extra empathy. But the payoffs for companies are more than worth it, as they position themselves to succeed in an ever-more-connected world.

Guest Blog Author

Fluency Corp CEO and founder Micah Bellieu believes that effective communication unlocks the power of a multilingual workforce.

Diversity & Empowerment: Teneo Linguistics Company Conference Round-Up

2019 has been very busy year for Teneo Linguistics Company. Along with working on exciting new projects and expanding our office, we have also attended several educational – and enlightening – conferences.

Each one has expanded our knowledge in the various domains in which we work, allowing us to better serve our customers. Here is a recap of the conferences we have attended so far this year.

WBENC National Conference

Teneo Linguistics Company is proud to be certified as a woman-owned business by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). This organization is the largest certifier of women-owned businesses in the United States and a leading advocate for women business owners and entrepreneurs. The WBENC believes that diversity promotes innovation, opens doors, and creates partnerships that fuel the economy.

Every year our CEO, Hana, attends their national conference to connect with some of the thousands of attendees from all over the United States. This year, she enjoyed inspiring keynotes, networking with WBENC members, educational presentations, roundtable discussions, and so much more!

The conference was also a chance to celebrate some of the nation’s most successful women-owned businesses and corporations, and to learn how the owners built their flourishing companies.

Life Science Diversity Conference

life science diverse supplier

Our Account Manager, Heather, had the pleasure of attending the Life Science Diversity Conference in New Jersey. The conference is put on by the Diversity Alliance for Science, and connects diverse suppliers (like TLC) with corporate, academic, and government entities within the life science and healthcare industries.

Companies with supplier diversity programs reap many benefits, including increased ROI, expanded network opportunities, and the creation of a positive impact in their communities. With our vast experience in providing translation and other language services for the medical and life sciences industry we relish the opportunity to connect with the life sciences community at conferences such as this one.

Heather enjoyed networking with other diverse suppliers, presentations from industry thought leaders, workshops, and more.

Texas-EU Business Summit

In May, Heather and TLC’s Marketing Manager, Allison, attended the Texas-EU Business Summit held at the University of Texas at Austin. The summit provides Texas businesses, entrepreneurs, policymakers and target businesses with an overview of trade and expansion business opportunities in Europe as well as information and connections to make the most of those opportunities.

With TLC’s years of experience in business translation, we help many clients looking to enter the international marketplace by localizing their website, as well as their marketing collateral and other business materials.

Heather and Allison gained valuable insight from panels that discussed a variety of topics including, among others, predicting and preventing culture-based problems when entering a foreign market and launching a product in the European marketplace.

These topics give TLC a deeper understanding into the process of entering the EU market, the potential obstacles and opportunities, and what resources are available to aid entrepreneurs in their expansion – all to better serve and inform our clients.

ATP Conference

ATP conference

Back in March, Hana attended the Association of Test Publishers (ATP) Conference, which focused on innovations of testing. Teneo Linguistics Company’s experience in assessment translation has led us to create customized processes for many of our clients.

Assessment translation serves many needs including providing fair testing among students, psychometric testing for job placement, testing for trade certifications and programs, game-based testing, online education, and more.

Hana attended keynotes, educational presentations, and mingled with more than 1,200 assessment industry professionals. Keeping up with innovations in the assessment field allows us to better serve current and future clients needing assessment translation.

Questions about how our language services can benefit your organization? Contact us!

Teneo Linguistics Company

Certifications: HUB, WBENC, SBE, ISO, and more.

TLC & Memsource: A Match Made in Translation Heaven

The founder of Teneo Linguistics Company (TLC), Hana Laurenzo, recently took a trip to her home town of Prague, capitol of the Czech Republic, and made a stop at our favorite CAT tool’s headquarters – Memsource!

Memsource is one of our trusted partners; we depend on their software in our translation process, as it is instrumental in helping us efficiently provide high-quality, consistent – and even discounted! – documents via its “translation memory” tools.

Did you know that discounted translation is possible using TM (translation memory) – when language services providers utilize CAT tools like Memsource?

If your organization regularly uses professional translation services, and these terms and concepts are completely foreign to you, let’s break it down and get you “in the know”.

What is a CAT tool?

A CAT (computer-assisted or computer-aided translation) tool is a computer software program that aids translators in executing translation of text by making the process more efficient, consistent, and contextually accurate. Here are few key components of CAT tools:

  • Translation memory
  • Text search tools
  • Index/concordance tools
  • Terminology databases
  • Translation management
  • Quality check
  • Formatting
  • Alignment
  • Import/export functions
  • Analysis tools

These features, skillfully used, help us deliver a polished, professional, quality translation result.

DO NOT confuse CAT tools with machine translation or free translation engines – like Google Translate. Utilizing free translation engines can damage your brand, with inaccurate results.

Our language professionals use years of experience to translate every word with cultural context and target audience in mind. CAT tool technology aids translators in performing translation activities efficiently and consistently so that your translation project is of higher quality, and potentially delivered within a shorter timeframe.

What is Translation Memory?

A translation memory (TM) is created for each of our clients by utilizing your existing translated material, adding to it each time a new document is translated, effectively “recycling” your content. In this way we maintain consistency throughout your documents, thereby avoiding “reinventing the wheel” for existing text, with the result that you save on translation costs in the process!

Understanding how TM provides discounted translation and how it benefits your bottom line is broken down in the simple example below.

Discounted Translation with TM

Let’s say you have an employee handbook (or another human resources document) that needs translation, and you issue a new version to your employees every year. Most of the content is the same from year-to-year but you always have some updates.

The first time you get the document translated it is stored in our TM database for your company in Memsource. We can now use this “memory” to run against other documents you need translated in the future; when they contain new text, it too is stored in the company “memory”.

Then the next year, when you need the updated version of your employee handbook translated, the database runs it against the ever-growing TM stored for your company. It searches for matching segments of words and pulls in the previous translation, indicating how well it matches that previous version.

Perfect to “fuzzy” matches that the database finds are segments you do not have to pay full price for – and these can add up to CONSIDERABLE SAVINGS.

Partnership at its Finest

Memsource has provided their trusted CAT tool since 2011, and we at Teneo Linguistics Company have utilized it since 2014. Our language professionals and project managers depend on it for the continued success of our client’s projects. We are always impressed by their staff’s quick responsiveness, valuable innovations, and willingness to hear our feedback on their incredible software.

During Hana’s visit at Memsource headquarters she met with the Memsource team and learned all about their new and upcoming features as well as their roadmap for future innovations. These updates are sure to bring continuous improvement to our translation process and allow us to better serve our customers.

Study Finds Supplier Diversity Programs Generate 133% Increased ROI

Does your company have a supplier diversity program in place? If not, you are missing out on phenomenal benefits including increased revenue, better brand image, and decreased expenses.

How is this possible? Let’s dive into what supplier diversity is all about.

What is Supplier Diversity?

Supplier diversity refers to a business program that is dedicated to partnering with businesses/suppliers that fall into certain categories; categories that promote diversity and economic growth within their communities. Some of these categories include women-owned, veteran-owned, minority-owned, LGBT-owned, historically underutilized businesses, and SBA-defined small business vendors.

Here are some related certifications that qualify a business as a diverse supplier:

What are the Benefits of Partnering with Diverse Suppliers?

Increased ROI

A study by the Hackett Group showed that long-term supplier diversity programs generated 133% more ROI than businesses that continue to use only the same suppliers they have always used. It showed a $3.6 million increase to an organization’s bottom line for every $1 million spent on procurement and operating costs.

Businesses with diversity supplier programs not only earn more, they also benefit from decreased operating costs. The same study concluded that procurement organizations who partner with a diverse supplier base experienced lower operating costs and saw a 20% decrease in buying operations.

Expanded Network

Naturally, gathering a pool of diverse suppliers will open the doors to new opportunities and resources. As your relationships develop with diverse suppliers, you will have access to their business contacts – expanding your possibilities even further.

Whether it is to gain more diverse suppliers, gain new business, or obtain new perspectives – networking through a supplier diversity program will promote unique opportunities for your organization.

Positive Impact in Your Community

Hiring diverse suppliers improves the economy in your community, promotes job creation, and clearly shows the community (and the world) that you are committed to making a positive impact.

Creating positive relationships within the community will ultimately benefit your business. Locals will be more likely to use or recommend your products or services to others, due to the positive impact – and attitude – your business creates.

Tax Incentives

Not only will a supplier diversity program make a positive impact in your community, it also makes you eligible for federal and possibly state tax incentives.

The federal government allows tax breaks for companies who partner with minority and women-owned businesses. They also provide a tax incentive that reduces tax liabilities for firms that use diverse suppliers for labor or services for a project funded by federal or state grants/loans.

Tax breaks and incentives benefit your bottom line, giving you more capital to improve your business.

Good All Around

As we’ve seen, supplier diversity programs improve many aspects of a business. They improve local economies, increase ROI, benefit the bottom line, and so much more!

Click here to learn more about implementing supplier diversity programs in your company.

Teneo Linguistics Company is HUB, WBENC, and SBE certified. If you are looking for a diverse supplier for your company’s professional language service needs (translation, interpreting, transcription, etc.), contact us!


Memorial Day: How 5 Countries Remember Their Fallen

In the United States, Memorial Day honors those who lost their lives while serving in the armed forces. Many observe the holiday by attending Memorial Day parades, visiting memorials, decorating cemeteries with flags and flowers, family gatherings, and other traditions.

But what about other cultures? How do they honor the troops who fell while fighting for their country?

Here are five countries who observe holidays similar to our Memorial Day.

1. United Kingdom

Remembrance Day is observed in the UK on November 11th as a day to honor fallen soldiers who died in the line of duty. It evolved from Armistice Day, which commemorates the armistice signed between the Allies of World War I and Germany – ending the “War to End All Wars”.

Informally, the holiday is known to many as Poppy Day because the barren landscape created during the war did not stop bright red poppies from growing in the thousands. They became a symbol of resilience and strength, and many wear red poppy pins on Remembrance Day as a result.

2. New Zealand and Australia

Anzac Day is observed in Australia and New Zealand on April 25th, the anniversary of the first military action taken in World War I by forces of both nations. The word “Anzac” stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.

It honors all those who have served and died in war, conflict, and peacekeeping missions since then. Ex-servicemen hold marches in major cities and memorials are held through the countries on Anzac Day.

3. Turkey

Turkey observes Martyrs’ Day on March 18th and commemorates all those who perished while serving their country. The date is the anniversary of a major victory in World War I during the Gallipoli Campaign.

Ceremonies are held throughout the country to remember fallen Turkish soldiers.

4. Italy

National Unity and Armed Forces Day is observed on November 4th. The date is the anniversary of Austria-Hungary’s surrender to Italy in 1918. Italians honor fallen soldiers by holding commemorative ceremonies throughout the country.

5. South Korea

June 6th is Memorial Day in South Korea. It honors civilians and servicemen who lost their lives in the war between North and South Korea in the 1950s. They hold a one-minute moment of silence at 10 AM.

4 Reasons Why Translation is Essential in our World

There is a common misconception that translation and interpreting simply consist of converting messages from one language into another.

Often, translation and other language services are an afterthought – only considered when someone realizes: we’ve got to have it, right here and now!

But translation and other language services are SO much more than just word conversion and have had an incredible impact in our world.

So, why is translation so important to our global society?

1. Creates Meaningful Connections

Translation is all about connection. Before professional translation was a vocation, it was very difficult to converse and connect with another person who spoke a language other than our own. Now, we can make meaningful connections through easily accessible language services.

The invention of and easy access to the internet makes it even more convenient to create these connections across continents through websites, social media, mobile apps, and more. And understanding one another gives us access to new perspectives and concepts, otherwise unknown – and possibly even unimagined.

2. Improves Global Economy

As more and more businesses expand internationally, the opportunities of global economic success increase. Translation makes it possible for a huge variety of products and services to be accessible in more countries and cultures than ever before.

Again, the internet expands these opportunities. Businesses large and small – all around the world – utilize website localization to sell their products to consumers in other countries, and connect with these consumers via social networks.

The more businesses selling internationally, the more diverse the global economy becomes, thanks in large part to translation and other language services

3. Promotes Peace, Empathy, and Charitable Giving

Translation doesn’t just benefit the global economy, it also allows opportunities for the global community to understand each other, empathize with each other, and come to each other’s aid.

When nations negotiate peace treaties, trade agreements, government contracts, and other official actions, language professionals are essential to the process. Whether interpreting is needed for important negotiations between nations, or professional translation is needed for official documents so that terms are clearly understood between the parties at hand – language professionals are there every step of the way.

The aftermath of natural disasters and global emergencies around the world call for aid from other nations to help provide relief in the worst of situations. Translation and interpreting are indispensable in these moments of crisis to help bring stabilization. For example, interpreters are needed to help volunteer medical staff communicate with locals in need of medical care. Without them, they might be misdiagnosed and/or not receive proper treatment.

4. Distributes Medical and Scientific Advances

The astounding advances in science and technology over the last century or so have provided our modern world with incredible benefits. To allow our global population to partake in these advances, translation and interpreting services are essential to their dissemination.

New treatment of and cures for diseases, valuable medical technology, and crucial medical research discovered in one country can easily be shared with other countries through professional translation and interpreting. The sharing of this knowledge with each other allows all of us to live better, healthier, more productive lives.

Scientific discoveries and advancements in technology also require language services to benefit the global community. Sharing this knowledge between cultures aids in bettering all aspects of life – from inventing water filtration systems for 3rd world countries to benefit from access to clean water, to spreading clean energy technology to reduce global pollution, to improving means of transportation that allow for easier travel.

Let us be grateful for the huge impact translation, interpreting, and other language services have on the world, and honor their importance for the health and advancement of our global society.

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