The Language of Food: Exploring culinary terms and traditions

Food is a universal language that transcends cultural boundaries and brings people together.

From the aromatic spices of India to the delicate flavors of French cuisine, each culture has its unique culinary traditions and terminology.

Let’s embark on a delicious journey through the language of food, exploring various culinary terms and traditions from around the world.

Flavorful Expressions

Food-related idioms and expressions provide insight into the way diverse cultures perceive and appreciate their cuisine. For example, in English, we say spill the beans to mean revealing a secret, whereas in Spanish, dar calabazas (to give pumpkins), means rejecting someone romantically. These linguistic nuances highlight the cultural significance of food and its integration into everyday language.

Food Terminology

Every culture has a rich lexicon of culinary terms that capture the essence of their traditional dishes. Whether it is the Italian al dente to describe perfectly cooked pasta or the Japanese umami to denote the savory fifth taste, these terms encapsulate the unique qualities of different foods and cooking techniques.

Exploring food terminology can also uncover fascinating historical and cultural contexts. For instance, the Indian term masala refers to a blend of spices, representing the country’s vibrant and diverse culinary heritage. Similarly, the French word terroir encompasses the environmental factors that influence the taste and quality of wine, cheese, and other regional products.

Traditional Food Customs

Food is deeply intertwined with cultural traditions and customs. Each country has its culinary rituals that have been passed down through generations. From the elaborate multi-course meals of French haute cuisine to the communal Ethiopian injera bread shared at the table, these traditions reflect different societies’ values and social dynamics.

Exploring traditional food customs also sheds light on the significance of certain dishes during festivals and celebrations. For example, mooncakes are an integral part of the Mid-Autumn Festival in China, symbolizing unity and family.

Chinese mooncakes.

Similarly, the turkey holds a central place on the Thanksgiving table in the United States, representing gratitude and abundance.

Regional Specialties

Culinary terms and traditions vary not only from country to country but also within different regions of the same country. Exploring regional specialties provides a deeper understanding of the diverse culinary landscape within a particular culture.

For instance, Italy boasts a plethora of regional delicacies such as Neapolitan pizza, Tuscan ribollita, and Sicilian cannoli. Each dish reflects the distinct ingredients, cooking methods, and cultural influences of its respective region.

Sicilian cannoli

Similarly, the varied cuisines of India, ranging from the spicy curries of the south to the vegetarian delights of Gujarat, highlight the country’s incredible culinary diversity.

Food is much more than sustenance; it is an art form, a medium for cultural expression, and a way to connect with others.

Exploring the language of food allows us to appreciate the rich tapestry of global gastronomy, its unique terminology, and the traditions that shape it. So, the next time you savor a dish or engage in a culinary conversation, remember that food speaks volumes about a culture’s history, values, and creativity. Bon appétit!

Teneo Linguistics Company is a certified small, woman-owned business that specializes in a variety of customizable language services in over 180 languages. Learn more about how TLC can support your company at

How speaking multiple languages affects the brain

The ability to speak multiple languages has long been regarded as a valuable skill. In addition to facilitating communication across cultures, research has shown that being bilingual or multilingual has a profound impact on the brain.

The benefits of speaking multiple languages extend beyond communication and can positively influence various areas of cognitive function.

Enhanced Cognitive Control

One of the most notable effects of speaking multiple languages is the enhancement of cognitive control. Bilingual individuals constantly switch between languages and inhibit one language while using the other.

This cognitive demand strengthens the brain’s executive control system, which is responsible for maintaining focus, switching attention, and suppressing irrelevant information. As a result, bilinguals exhibit improved attentional control and have an increased ability to filter out distractions in various tasks.

Improved Memory and Learning Abilities

The bilingual brain also benefits from improved memory and learning abilities. Language learning involves memorizing vocabulary, grammar rules, and syntactic structures. Consequently, bilingual individuals develop better memory skills, particularly in tasks related to verbal information.

The process of constantly activating and suppressing different languages strengthens the brain’s memory networks and enhances overall cognitive performance. Multilingualism has also been linked to a delay in age-related cognitive decline.

Enhanced Problem-Solving and Creative Thinking

Speaking multiple languages has been associated with enhanced problem-solving skills and creative thinking. Bilingual individuals often encounter situations where they need to find alternative ways to express themselves or understand others.

This mental flexibility and adaptability transfer to other cognitive domains, allowing bilinguals to approach problems from different perspectives. Research has shown that bilingual individuals tend to think more creatively, as their multilingual experiences enable them to make connections between disparate concepts and think outside the box.

Increased Empathy and Intercultural Understanding

Language is closely intertwined with culture, and speaking multiple languages exposes individuals to different cultural perspectives. This linguistic and cultural diversity fosters empathy and intercultural understanding.

Bilingual individuals often have a deeper appreciation for cultural nuances, which enables them to communicate and connect with people from diverse backgrounds more effectively. This heightened intercultural sensitivity broadens their worldview and contributes to their overall cognitive development.

Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Reserve

Recent studies suggest that the bilingual brain exhibits higher levels of neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections.

Bilingualism provides constant cognitive challenges, stimulating neuroplasticity and promoting more efficient use of brain resources. This enhanced plasticity contributes to the cognitive reserve of bilingual individuals, making their brains more resilient against the effects of aging and neurological disorders.

Whether you are already bilingual or considering learning a new language, embracing multilingualism can be a fulfilling and intellectually enriching journey with long-lasting benefits for your brain health and cognitive abilities. So go ahead, embark on the path to becoming bilingual, and unlock the potential of your brain.

Teneo Linguistics Company is a certified small, woman-owned business that specializes in customizable language services in over 180 languages. Learn more about how we can support your company with professional language services at

Unraveling the tapestry of words: Exploring Etymology

Behind every word lies a story, a journey through time and across cultures. Etymology, the study of word origins and evolution, provides us with a captivating glimpse into the rich tapestry of language.

In this blog, we embark on an adventure through etymology, exploring interesting facts that shed light on the hidden histories and connections of our beloved words.

Latin – the language of influence

Latin, the ancient language of the Romans, has had a profound impact on many modern languages, including English. More than 60% of English words have Latin roots.

From legal terms like habeas corpus to scientific terms such as biology — from the Latin word biologia meaning study of life — the legacy of Latin can be found in numerous domains.

Greek Contributions

The Greek language has also left its mark on the world of words. Greek mythology, for instance, has inspired numerous terms we use today.

Narcissism originates from the myth of Narcissus, while herculean is derived from the mighty hero Hercules. Additionally, the Greek philosopher Aristotle gave us the term metaphysics, which now refers to the branch of philosophy dealing with abstract concepts.

The Viking influence

The Vikings were more than just fierce warriors — they were also skillful navigators and traders. As they sailed across the seas, they spread their language, Old Norse, which still influences English today.

Common English words like sky, knife, and egg are derived from Old Norse roots.

Arabic contributions

Arabic, the language of the Quran and a key contributor to the Islamic Golden Age has left an indelible mark on the world of science, mathematics, and language.

English words like alcohol, algebra, and zero owe their existence to Arabic influences. Moreover, the Arabic numeral system, which we use today, revolutionized mathematics in the Western world.

Onomatopoeia – words that imitate sounds

Onomatopoeic words are fascinating examples of how language can mimic the sounds of the world around us. Words like buzz, crash, and hiss imitate the sounds they represent, enhancing our ability to describe and communicate auditory experiences.

Eponyms – words derived from names

Eponyms are words that originate from the names of people or places. For example, the word sandwich comes from John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich, who was known for his love of eating meat between slices of bread.

Other eponyms include boycott — from Charles Boycott — algorithm — from Al-Khwarizmi — and guillotine — from Joseph-Ignace Guillotin.

Borrowed words – linguistic borrowings and loanwords

Languages constantly evolve through interactions and borrowing from other cultures. English specifically has borrowed extensively from other languages. Words like sushi from Japanese, chocolate from Nahuatl — an indigenous language of Mexico — and karma from Sanskrit demonstrate the global interconnectedness of language.

Exploring the origins of words not only expands our vocabulary but also provides us with a deeper understanding of the cultures and histories that have shaped our languages. Next time you utter a word, remember that it carries within it a tale of its own, connecting you to the fascinating tapestry of human communication.

Teneo Linguistics Company (TLC) is a certified small, woman-owned business that specializes in a variety of customizable language services in over 180 languages. Learn more about TLC and get a quote for professional language services at

How language shapes our thoughts, perception of the world

Language is a powerful tool that we use to communicate with others and express our thoughts and ideas. However, it also plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts and perception of the world.

From how we see colors and shapes to how we understand complex ideas, language influences how we experience and interact with the world around us.

One of the most significant ways in which language shapes our perception is through the categorization of objects and concepts. We use language to label and organize the things we encounter, which can influence how we perceive them.

One of the most important uses of language is the definition of the self, besides others, and the relations between these groups. Pronouns like I, you, and we exist in almost all languages, but very few languages use the same assortment. The formal-informal distinction is still found in many widely spoken modern languages, like French, Spanish, Italian, and Russian (among many others), and is as such quite familiar.

Standard Chinese has two pronouns for ‘we’— one excluding the person to who the language addressed (us but not you), and another ‘we’ for including that person (us and you). This sort of flexibility offers speakers more frequent chances to distinguish these differences between in-and-out groups.

Similarly, expressing action in relation to other people in Japanese requires the consideration of many distinctions entirely absent from English. Perhaps most dramatically, most verbs that take another as a direct or indirect object must be appended with a suffix which signals whether or not that other person is a member of one’s social in- or out-group, and whether the action was kindly received by a superior within that community hierarchy, or kindly performed for one to whom the speaker is either a peer or a superior, such as a close friend in an especially informal setting, or a younger family member or pet.

English speakers don’t use ‘thou’ anymore, but for Japanese speakers, even the word ‘to do’— is a choice between yaru (for those below the speaker in hierarchy) and suru (neutral).

In English, we use different words to describe blue and describe tints of blue by adding an adjective to the front, such as light blue and dark blue. In contrast in Russian, there are entirely different words for light blue, goluboi, and dark blue, siniy. If an English speaker requested that they be handed a red item from an assortment, and instead received the pink one, they’d feel their request was mishandled— not that there was an ambiguity in their request. Similarly, a Russian speaker expecting a new car in navy blue would be shocked to receive one in cornflower or sky blue. As in English, Russian also treats red and pink as distinct colors.

Similarly, the way in which languages categorize nouns can also shape how speakers perceive and remember them. For example, in English, we categorize objects as either animate, living, or inanimate, non-living. However, in some languages, such as Spanish and French, objects are categorized as either masculine or feminine, which can influence how speakers remember and conceptualize those objects.

Language can also shape our perception of time and space. For example, in English, we tend to think of time as a linear progression, with the past behind us and the future ahead. Certain languages, like Turkish and Japanese, make sure to relate whether or not a past event was directly experienced, or if it was simply related to the speaker.

In English, “It rained.” is so simple as to feel objective and factual, yet Turkish speakers must first consider whether to say, “Yağmur yağdı”, i.e. it rained, and I saw the rain, or “Yağmur yağmış”, i.e. everything is wet; it rained.

However, some cultures, such as the Aymara people of South America, think of time as moving from east to west, with the past in front of them and the future behind.

This difference in perception can influence how speakers of different languages plan for the future, as well as how they remember past events.

Similarly, the way in which languages describe spatial relationships can also shape how speakers perceive and navigate the world.

In English, we use words like in, on, and under to describe the location of objects. However, some languages, such as Tzeltal Maya, use words that describe the shape and orientation of objects in relation to each other, which can lead speakers to perceive spatial relationships differently.

Finally, language can also influence how we perceive and express emotions. Different languages have different words and expressions for emotions, which can influence how speakers perceive and experience those emotions. In Japanese, there are many words for different types of sadness and happiness. The most frequently used and general word, 悲しい kanashii is quite similar to the most limited sense of the English word sad.

In English, ‘sad’ has multiple distinct meanings: in addition to the opposite of happy (as described above), one can also use ‘sad’ to evaluate a person, situation, or circumstance in the sense of wretched, or deplorable. In Japanese, we’d need a totally different word, 嘆かわしい nagekawashii. 痛ましい itamashii, however, takes the kanji for ‘injury’ or ‘pain’ to mean sadness with a specific point of heartbreak or tragedy responsible for the emotion.  

While English also has many different words for sadness, the point is that the lack of direct equivalencies leads to different expressions of the nature, origin, and circumstance of the emotion of sadness.

As we continue to study language and its effects on the brain and behavior, we can gain a deeper understanding of how language shapes our perception of the world and the implications of these effects for communication and cognition.

Teneo Linguistics Company is a certified small, woman-owned business that specializes in a variety of customizable language services in over 180 languages. Learn more by visiting

Tips for creating culturally appropriate content

Creating culturally appropriate content is more important than ever in today’s world. With the rise of social media and the internet, people from all over the world are constantly consuming content from a wide variety of sources.

As a business, it’s important to recognize the diversity of your audience and create content that is respectful and inclusive of different cultures. Here are some tips for creating culturally appropriate content for different audiences.

Research the culture

Before creating any content, it’s important to research the culture you are targeting. This includes understanding their values, customs, and traditions. This will help you avoid any cultural missteps that may offend your audience.

Take the time to learn about their history, language, and social norms. You can do this by reading books, watching documentaries, and talking to people from that culture.

Use inclusive language

Language plays a significant role in how we perceive different cultures. It’s essential to use inclusive language that avoids stereotypes and generalizations. Avoid using language that is derogatory, insensitive, or offensive.

Use language that is respectful and inclusive. This includes using gender-neutral language, avoiding racial slurs, and recognizing the diversity within a culture.

Consider visual imagery

Visual imagery can be a powerful way to communicate culture, but it’s essential to use it carefully. Be mindful of the images you choose and how they may be perceived.

Avoid using stereotypes or images that may be culturally insensitive. Instead, use images that represent the diversity within the culture and its values.

Be respectful of religious beliefs

Religion plays an important role in many cultures, and it’s essential to be respectful of these beliefs. Avoid using religious imagery or language that may be perceived as offensive.

Instead, focus on the values and traditions of the culture.

Collaborate with members of the culture

Collaborating with members of the culture you are targeting can be an effective way to create culturally appropriate content. This can provide you with valuable insights into the culture and help you avoid any cultural missteps. Additionally, it shows your audience that you are respectful of their culture and willing to learn from them.

Seek feedback from diverse sources

Once you’ve created your content, it’s important to seek feedback from a diverse group of people.

This can include people from the culture you are targeting, as well as people from other cultures. This will help you identify any cultural missteps and make adjustments as needed.

As a business, it’s essential to recognize the diversity of your audience and create content that reflects this diversity. By doing so, you can reach a broader audience and create a positive impact.

Teneo Linguistics Company can assist your business on this journey by providing a variety of customizable language services in more than 180 languages. Visit to get a quote today.

TLC continues its success by living four core values

Every successful company has a set of core values that guides its decision-making, shapes its culture, and defines its identity.

Values are the fundamental principles that govern how a company operates, how it treats its employees, customers, and stakeholders, and how it contributes to society. They are the foundation upon which a company builds its reputation and its brand, and they play a crucial role in determining its long-term success.

Teneo Linguistics Company has shaped its success by living its core values of Excellence, Partnership, Integrity, and Gratitude.

EXCELLENCE – Aim for greatness and do your best work.

TLC employees focus on quality and performance. They set high standards and work to continually improve in all areas of their lives. Excellence requires discipline, hard work, and a commitment to excellence in all areas.

Companies that prioritize excellence as a core value are more likely to succeed and achieve long-term success by delivering exceptional products and services to their customers, attracting and retaining top talent, and building a reputation for excellence in their industry.

PARTNERSHIP – Be humble, relational, and service-oriented.

This core value emphasizes the importance of collaboration, teamwork, and building strong relationships with customers, employees, and stakeholders. The company works together towards a common goal, sharing knowledge, resources, and expertise, and creating mutually beneficial outcomes.

TLC creates a culture of collaboration and trust that fosters innovation, growth, and mutual success. Additionally, TLC promotes open communication, respect, and empathy, which leads to a more harmonious and productive workplace.

INTEGRITY – Do the right thing, even when no one is looking.

Do the right thing, even when no one is watching. TLC earns the trust and loyalty of its customers, employees, and stakeholders and is committed to ethical behavior, fair business practices, and responsible stewardship of resources.

Integrity helps to promote accountability, respect, and professionalism, leading to a more positive and productive workplace culture. By upholding the highest standards of integrity, TLC builds a strong reputation for trustworthiness, credibility, and social responsibility.

GRATITUDE – Appreciate the little things (and the big things!).

TLC shows appreciation for the efforts of others and expresses gratitude for the opportunities and experiences that have shaped its success. TLC cultivates a positive and supportive workplace culture and promotes an attitude of gratitude by recognizing the contributions of employees, acknowledging the support of customers and stakeholders, and giving back to communities.

Gratitude encourages empathy, compassion, and positivity, leading to a more productive workplace. By fostering a culture of gratitude, TLC creates a sense of belonging and purpose among its employees and has built a reputation for social responsibility and community engagement. TLC is thankful for every partnership, every project, and every team member.

TLC has continued to upkeep its award-winning reputation by living these core values for over 15 years. Learn more about TLC and its services by visiting

4 Reasons Why Translation is Essential in our World

There is a common misconception that translation and interpreting simply consist of converting messages from one language into another.

Often, translation and other language services are an afterthought – only considered when someone realizes: we’ve got to have it, right here and now!

But translation and other language services are SO much more than just word conversion and have had an incredible impact in our world.

So, why is translation so important to our global society?

1. Creates Meaningful Connections

Translation is all about connection. Before professional translation was a vocation, it was very difficult to converse and connect with another person who spoke a language other than our own. Now, we can make meaningful connections through easily accessible language services.

The invention of and easy access to the internet makes it even more convenient to create these connections across continents through websites, social media, mobile apps, and more. And understanding one another gives us access to new perspectives and concepts, otherwise unknown – and possibly even unimagined.

2. Improves Global Economy

As more and more businesses expand internationally, the opportunities of global economic success increase. Translation makes it possible for a huge variety of products and services to be accessible in more countries and cultures than ever before.

Again, the internet expands these opportunities. Businesses large and small – all around the world – utilize website localization to sell their products to consumers in other countries, and connect with these consumers via social networks.

The more businesses selling internationally, the more diverse the global economy becomes, thanks in large part to translation and other language services

3. Promotes Peace, Empathy, and Charitable Giving

Translation doesn’t just benefit the global economy, it also allows opportunities for the global community to understand each other, empathize with each other, and come to each other’s aid.

When nations negotiate peace treaties, trade agreements, government contracts, and other official actions, language professionals are essential to the process. Whether interpreting is needed for important negotiations between nations, or professional translation is needed for official documents so that terms are clearly understood between the parties at hand – language professionals are there every step of the way.

The aftermath of natural disasters and global emergencies around the world call for aid from other nations to help provide relief in the worst of situations. Translation and interpreting are indispensable in these moments of crisis to help bring stabilization. For example, interpreters are needed to help volunteer medical staff communicate with locals in need of medical care. Without them, they might be misdiagnosed and/or not receive proper treatment.

4. Distributes Medical and Scientific Advances

The astounding advances in science and technology over the last century or so have provided our modern world with incredible benefits. To allow our global population to partake in these advances, translation and interpreting services are essential to their dissemination.

New treatment of and cures for diseases, valuable medical technology, and crucial medical research discovered in one country can easily be shared with other countries through professional translation and interpreting. The sharing of this knowledge with each other allows all of us to live better, healthier, more productive lives.

Scientific discoveries and advancements in technology also require language services to benefit the global community. Sharing this knowledge between cultures aids in bettering all aspects of life – from inventing water filtration systems for 3rd world countries to benefit from access to clean water, to spreading clean energy technology to reduce global pollution, to improving means of transportation that allow for easier travel.

Let us be grateful for the huge impact translation, interpreting, and other language services have on the world, and honor their importance for the health and advancement of our global society.

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