Customized Translation Services in Action | TLC Translation

Imagine you are a company with a consistent high volume of clients needing certified translation of 50 – 120 confidential documents weekly, ranging 1 – 6 pages each, in up to 40 languages, AND your team works on a time sensitive schedule.

You have been using the same translation service for years, even though you often wonder if “this is what things should look like”. Change is painful, so you keep going along with it.

This is exactly what one of our customers did, until they called us and described the process their vendor – let’s call them “Company X” –  was using.

THEIR Process:

  1. Company X would pick up hard copies of documents (originals or scanned PDFs) once a week and drove them by car to their office, supposedly because it was too risky to email these confidential documents.
  2. Once getting the documents to their office, Company X would scan the documents and email them to their translators. (Suddenly not worried about security at all!)
  3. Company X delivered the translated & certified documents, again in hard copy and by car, to the customer the following week – when the pickup of the next batch also occurred.
  4. If the customer requested modifications of the delivered documents, they had to wait for the pick up on the following week and delivery yet ANOTHER week after that.

How TLC Solved the Pain Points

Once talking to the customer, we identified the following pain points and opportunities:

  • Confidentiality/Security – The client was VERY unhappy with how their documents were handled and needed a better solution.
  • Speed – The 1-3 week turnaround time significantly slowed their workflow and they needed a more streamlined process.
  • Efficiency & Cost Reduction – The client knew that Company X’s inefficiencies were costing them time & money, and they needed a new partner ASAP.

This is how we addressed them:

Confidential Digital Solutions

TLC receives and returns all documents electronically through a secure system that protects all documents. We bypass email completely and yet deliver a connection security on par with online banking.

The same method of file transfer also happens between our office and our linguists. Now our client can breathe a sigh of relief knowing their customers’ information is protected and secure through all the steps of the process. Phew! 

Fast Delivery

Our portal is accessible to all relevant employees of our customer at all times. Processing of documents begins immediately and we agreed to (and still maintain) a 2-3 day turnaround schedule for translation and a 24-hour turnaround for client-requested modifications.

Rush options are also available for both types of work. By significantly cutting down on delivery time, we helped our customer speed up their own processing times by streamlining their operation.

Efficiency & Savings

Our digital solutions, including certification & notarization of each document, completely eliminate the need for hard copy documents anywhere in the process. We have never been able to  quantify the savings achieved by not using tons of paper, ink toner, and the labor time it took for Company X and client to print & scan all the documents – but we imagine they are significant!

Customized Solutions to Fit Your Needs

This is just one example of how Teneo Linguistics Company customizes our language services to meet the client’s needs. Many clients approach us with unique challenges and we ALWAYS provide solutions to fit their needs.

Do you need customized language services?

No matter what your language needs are, TLC is the professional translation service that can help you! We serve many industries – business, life & medical sciences, legal, education, manufacturing, government/nonprofits organizations, and so much more!

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