Answering TLC’s frequently asked questions

With a significant increase of online and machine translators, professional language services providers are asked numerous questions regarding the work they do. From the whys to the hows, whats, and wheres, this piece will answer some of the more frequent questions that Teneo Linguistics Company (TLC) has received over the years. 

Q: How long has TLC been providing professional language services?

A: Teneo Linguistics Company was established in 2007 and delivers high-quality, certified translation services in more than 150 languages for customers around the world. Quality is TLC’s highest priority.

Q: Why should a company use TLC for translation instead of using a company employee who speaks the language?

A: TLC uses vetted, qualified, and capable professionals from all around the world. The linguists utilized are far more proficient in the target language than that of a typical bilingual speaker. 

Q: Is it a good idea for a business to use free online translation tools?

A: Free online translation tools will never be able to replace human translators. They do not take broader context and natural language into account and simply replace words with make-do translations selected based on statistical methods. 

Q: A document needing translation must be kept confidential. What kind of safeguards does TLC employ?

A: All of TLC’s language professionals are bound by confidentiality agreements. In the process of handling sensitive documents, TLC uses standard security certificates, protocols, and secure systems to protect the information.

Q: What are the order delivery options?

A: All orders are delivered by email and include a digital copy of the translation bundle in PDF file format. TLC also offers hard-copy delivery options upon request.

TLC works with vetted, qualified, and capable language professionals and project managers work diligently with them to ensure quality delivery for each project. A quote for language services can be requested by visiting or by calling 817-441-9974. 

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