Lost in Translation: Hilarious and thought-provoking language fails

Language is a fascinating tool that allows us to communicate, connect, and express our thoughts and feelings. However, when languages collide and cultural nuances come into play, the results can often be both hilarious and thought-provoking.

From mistranslations to misunderstandings, the world of language is ripe with stories that remind us of the importance of context and cultural awareness. In this piece, we’ll delve into some amusing anecdotes and real-life examples of language translation mishaps that highlight the comedic and sometimes awkward side of cross-cultural communication.

Lost in Transportation

When a London transportation company wanted to make its services more accessible to Spanish-speaking tourists, they placed signs in Spanish that were meant to read “We Apologize for the Inconvenience.”

Unfortunately, the translation ended up saying “We Apologize for Causing Constipation.” This mix-up highlights how crucial it is to consult native speakers and linguistic experts during the translation process.

The Lost in Starbucks Translation

Starbucks, the global coffee giant, faced a translation blunder in China when its brand name was rendered as “Starbucks” in Chinese characters, which phonetically read as Xingbake.

Unfortunately, Xingbake sounds remarkably close to the Chinese words for “not awake.” This ironic misstep humorously contradicted the brand’s aim of providing a caffeine boost to its customers.

The “Finger-Lickin’ Good” Mishap

KFC’s famous slogan, “Finger-Lickin’ Good,” is a testament to the irresistibility of their fried chicken. However, when this slogan was translated into Chinese, it became “We’ll Eat Your Fingers Off.”

This unintended and slightly alarming twist on the original phrase serves as a reminder that idiomatic expressions don’t always translate well across languages.

The Color of Miscommunication

Colors can hold different symbolic meanings across cultures, leading to misunderstandings when translating brand names or phrases. When Clairol introduced its “Mist Stick” curling iron to the German market, they didn’t realize that “Mist” means manure in German. Unsurprisingly, the product didn’t enjoy the success they had hoped for.

Lost in Translation at the Olympics

The international stage of the Olympics can be a breeding ground for language mishaps. In the 2006 Winter Olympics held in Turin, Italy, the organizers faced a translation blunder when the slogan “Ciao Italia!” was rendered as “Hello Italy!” instead of the intended “Goodbye Italy!” This amusing mix-up created a bit of confusion among attendees who were greeted with a friendly welcome instead of a farewell.

The Power of “Pepsi Brings You Back to Life”

Pepsi’s tagline, “Pepsi Brings You Back to Life,” was translated into Chinese as “Pepsi Brings Your Ancestors Back from the Grave.”

While this might have been an inadvertent way to pay homage to cultural traditions involving ancestor worship, it certainly wasn’t the message Pepsi intended to convey!

Beware of the Crabs

A hotel in Japan found itself in a rather amusing situation when they translated their instructions for guests into English. The Japanese phrase kani suru, which meant “to do crabbing,” was mistakenly translated to “to do the crab.”

As a result, guests were left puzzled by the request to “do the crab” in their hotel rooms.

Language is a labyrinth of intricacies and cultural subtleties, and translation is a delicate art that requires a deep understanding of both the source and target languages.

The examples shared above not only tickle our funny bones but also emphasize the importance of accurate translation in a globalized world. Whether it’s a humorous tagline or a critical space mission, language fails to remind us to approach translation with sensitivity, expertise, and a healthy dose of humor. After all, laughter truly is a universal language that transcends linguistic barriers.

Teneo Linguistics Company (TLC) is passionate about providing expert language services using its database of thousands of professional linguists. TLC is a certified small, woman-owned business that specializes in a variety of customizable language services in over 180 languages. Learn how TLC can support your company with language services at www.tlctranslation.com.

How digital communication is shaping the way we speak, write

The rise of social media and digital communication platforms has transformed the way we interact with each other, including how we speak and write.

The unique characteristics of social media platforms have significantly influenced our language and communication patterns in this digital age. Social media has altered our communication methods. We now use shorter messages, emojis, hashtags, and abbreviations. This has resulted in a new way of expressing ourselves.

This piece will explore how social media and digital communication have shaped our language, for better or worse, and examine the impact it has had on our daily communication.

The Age of Brevity

Social media platforms have imposed limitations on the length of messages, forcing us to condense our thoughts and ideas into bite-sized snippets. The popularity of microblogging platforms like Twitter, with its 280-character limit, has led to the rise of concise and to-the-point communication.

The art of conveying meaningful messages within these constraints has become a valuable skill. As a result, we have witnessed a shift towards brevity, where acronyms, abbreviations, and shortened words have become commonplace.

The Language of Emojis

In an era where a picture is worth a thousand words, emojis have emerged as a powerful tool for expression. These tiny icons transcend language barriers and allow us to convey emotions and sentiments in a visually appealing manner.

With a single emoji, we can express joy, sadness, sarcasm, or even complex ideas. Emojis have become an integral part of digital communication, often serving as substitutes for textual descriptions. The language of emojis has enabled us to enhance our written communication by adding nuance and context to our messages.

The Rise of Hashtags

Hashtags, originally popularized by Twitter, have revolutionized the way we organize and discover content on social media platforms. They serve as keywords or tags that categorize posts, making them easily searchable and allowing users to join conversations on specific topics.

Hashtags have not only influenced the way we write but also how we think about our messages. They have become a powerful tool for amplifying voices, promoting social causes, and creating communities around shared interests.

Informalization of Language

Social media has witnessed the blurring of formal and informal language boundaries. The need for quick and casual communication has led to the adoption of colloquial language, slang, and memes in digital conversations.

This informality has seeped into other forms of written communication, including emails and professional interactions. While it fosters a sense of familiarity and relatability, it also poses challenges in maintaining a distinction between formal and informal contexts.

Amplified Expression and Connectivity

Social media platforms have provided a platform for individuals to express themselves freely and connect with like-minded people. Digital communication has given a voice to marginalized groups and facilitated the sharing of diverse perspectives.

It has allowed individuals to engage in public discourse, raise awareness about social issues, and mobilize support for various causes. The democratization of communication has empowered individuals to shape public opinion and influence societal change.

As we navigate this ever-evolving landscape, it is crucial to strike a balance between embracing the advantages of digital communication and preserving the richness of language.

We can use social media and still communicate meaningfully in the digital age by adapting to new ways of expressing ourselves.

Teneo Linguistics Company (TLC) is a certified small, woman-owned business that specializes in a variety of customizable language services in over 180 languages. Learn more about how TLC can support your company with professional language services at www.tlctranslation.com

Pitfalls of relying on bilingual employees as translators

Language barriers can be a significant hurdle for businesses looking to expand their reach. To overcome this obstacle, many companies often turn to their bilingual employees for translation tasks.

While utilizing bilingual staff may seem like a cost-effective solution, it is crucial to understand the potential pitfalls and drawbacks associated with this approach. Here is a closer look into why relying solely on bilingual employees as translators may not be the best choice for your business.

Limited Translation Expertise

Fluency in two or more languages does not automatically guarantee translation proficiency. Translation is a complex skill that requires a deep understanding of both the source and target languages, as well as cultural nuances, idiomatic expressions, and industry-specific terminology.

Bilingual employees may lack the specialized training and expertise that professional translators possess, leading to inaccuracies, misinterpretations, and potential misunderstandings.

Diverted Focus from Core Responsibilities

Assigning translation tasks to bilingual employees can lead to a significant diversion of their attention from their primary roles within the company. This can adversely affect their productivity, as they may have to sacrifice their time and energy for translation work rather than focusing on their core responsibilities.

Overburdening employees with additional tasks can lead to burnout and a decrease in overall job satisfaction, potentially impacting their performance in other areas.

Potential Bias and Conflict of Interest

Using bilingual employees as translators may create conflicts of interest or bias. When an employee translates documents or communications for their employer, they may inadvertently alter the content to align with their personal views or company goals. This bias can distort the intended message and compromise the accuracy and impartiality of the translation.

To ensure objective and unbiased translations, it is best to engage external professional translators who are dedicated to delivering accurate and neutral translations.

Lack of Time and Availability

Translation projects often have tight deadlines and require quick turnarounds. Bilingual employees may not have the bandwidth or availability to meet these demands consistently. Juggling translation work alongside their regular duties can result in delays, rushed translations, or compromised quality.

A professional language services provider like Teneo Linguistics Company (TLC), on the other hand, has dedicated teams and resources specifically designed to handle time-sensitive projects, ensuring timely and high-quality translations.

Potential Legal and Regulatory Risks

Certain industries, such as healthcare, finance, and legal services, require precise and accurate translations to comply with specific regulations and standards. Relying solely on bilingual employees for translation in these sectors can pose significant legal and regulatory risks.

Professional translators possess the necessary expertise and knowledge to ensure compliance with industry-specific requirements, reducing the chances of legal issues or misinterpretations.

While it may be tempting to utilize bilingual employees as translators to save costs and streamline internal processes, it is crucial to consider the potential drawbacks and risks involved.

Investing in professional translation services ensures that your business communications are accurately conveyed, allowing you to build trust, avoid misunderstandings, and effectively engage with a global audience.

Teneo Linguistics Company is a certified small, woman-owned business that specializes in a variety of customizable language services in over 180 languages. Learn more about how TLC can assist your company’s language needs at www.tlctranslation.com

TLC earns silver medal in EcoVadis sustainability rating

Teneo Linguistics Company (TLC) was recently awarded a silver medal in the EcoVadis sustainability rating program.

EcoVadis guides companies in their journey to a more sustainable world. It rates them based on material issues according to the company’s size, location, and industry.

“We were so impressed with EcoVadis and their ability to tailor the requirements to our type of operation and size,” TLC Owner and CEO Hana Laurenzo said. “We have worked hard for several years to advance our business in all the categories under ESG (environmental, social, and governance) and operate an ethical, sustainable business that makes sound decisions at every turn.

“We are overjoyed at our results, getting a Silver medal right out of the gate. Now we have a starting point and a roadmap that will help us to get even better in the upcoming years.”

The medals program recognizes companies that have completed the EcoVadis assessment process. This process requires demonstrating a strong management system that addresses sustainability criteria, as outlined in the EcoVadis methodology. Companies must also meet specific licensing and eligibility criteria.

The criteria include a minimum score of 30 in each of the following areas:

• Environment

• Ethics

• Labor and Human Rights

• Sustainable Procurement (minimum score of 25)

Medals are awarded to companies that fall within a percentage in meeting all EcoVadis criteria.

According to the EcoVadis website, “Environmental, social, and ethical performance – or Sustainability – is an essential factor for smart business today. Companies, including your trading partners, face increasing pressure to make their transparency and sustainability practices better. This includes the sustainability of their trading partners, which includes you.”

Learn more about TLC and its services by visiting www.tlctranslation.com.

Transcription in research: Maximizing data accuracy, accessibility

Research is an essential component of progress and development in various fields such as medicine, technology, and social sciences. However, conducting research can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to collecting and analyzing data.

Multilingual transcription plays a vital role in research by ensuring data accuracy and accessibility.

What is Multilingual Transcription?

Multilingual transcription involves the process of converting audio or video recordings in different languages into written text.

This process enables researchers to analyze and understand data more effectively. It involves listening to the recordings, transcribing them into written text, and translating the text into the desired language.

Multilingual transcription is essential in research for several reasons:

• It ensures data accuracy. Transcribing audio or video recordings into written text makes it easier to analyze the data accurately. It also eliminates errors that may occur during the transcription process, such as omitting critical information or misinterpreting the meaning of words.

• Multilingual transcription increases data accessibility. Transcribing data into written text makes it easier for researchers to access and analyze the data. It also allows researchers to share the data with others, which increases collaboration and enables further research and analysis.

• It is crucial for conducting cross-cultural research. Researchers may encounter participants who speak different languages, and therefore, multilingual transcription allows for the transcription of data from different languages. This increases the accuracy and validity of research findings as it allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the research topic.

• It is essential for researchers who are not fluent in the language spoken by their participants. Transcribing data into written text allows researchers to understand the data more effectively, even if they are not fluent in the language spoken by the participants.

• Finally, multilingual transcription is necessary for conducting research in multilingual settings. Transcribing data in multiple languages allows researchers to analyze and compare data across different languages and cultures, which enhances their understanding of the research topic.

Multilingual transcription increases collaboration between researchers and allows for further research and analysis. Therefore, it is essential for researchers to prioritize multilingual transcription to maximize the accuracy and validity of their research findings.

Teneo Linguistics Company (TLC) offers both audio and video transcription services in most language combinations. Producing high-quality, clear, and frequently confidential transcription can be a complex process that TLC handles with ease and at an affordable price.

From taped meetings and video surveillance to conference proceedings, seminars, e-learning, clinical interviews, market research, psychological assessments, and podcasts, TLC provides transcription services that are tailored to a company’s needs.

Get a quote today by visiting www.tlctranslation.com.

Tips for creating culturally appropriate content

Creating culturally appropriate content is more important than ever in today’s world. With the rise of social media and the internet, people from all over the world are constantly consuming content from a wide variety of sources.

As a business, it’s important to recognize the diversity of your audience and create content that is respectful and inclusive of different cultures. Here are some tips for creating culturally appropriate content for different audiences.

Research the culture

Before creating any content, it’s important to research the culture you are targeting. This includes understanding their values, customs, and traditions. This will help you avoid any cultural missteps that may offend your audience.

Take the time to learn about their history, language, and social norms. You can do this by reading books, watching documentaries, and talking to people from that culture.

Use inclusive language

Language plays a significant role in how we perceive different cultures. It’s essential to use inclusive language that avoids stereotypes and generalizations. Avoid using language that is derogatory, insensitive, or offensive.

Use language that is respectful and inclusive. This includes using gender-neutral language, avoiding racial slurs, and recognizing the diversity within a culture.

Consider visual imagery

Visual imagery can be a powerful way to communicate culture, but it’s essential to use it carefully. Be mindful of the images you choose and how they may be perceived.

Avoid using stereotypes or images that may be culturally insensitive. Instead, use images that represent the diversity within the culture and its values.

Be respectful of religious beliefs

Religion plays an important role in many cultures, and it’s essential to be respectful of these beliefs. Avoid using religious imagery or language that may be perceived as offensive.

Instead, focus on the values and traditions of the culture.

Collaborate with members of the culture

Collaborating with members of the culture you are targeting can be an effective way to create culturally appropriate content. This can provide you with valuable insights into the culture and help you avoid any cultural missteps. Additionally, it shows your audience that you are respectful of their culture and willing to learn from them.

Seek feedback from diverse sources

Once you’ve created your content, it’s important to seek feedback from a diverse group of people.

This can include people from the culture you are targeting, as well as people from other cultures. This will help you identify any cultural missteps and make adjustments as needed.

As a business, it’s essential to recognize the diversity of your audience and create content that reflects this diversity. By doing so, you can reach a broader audience and create a positive impact.

Teneo Linguistics Company can assist your business on this journey by providing a variety of customizable language services in more than 180 languages. Visit www.tlctranslation.com to get a quote today.

Behind the name of Teneo Linguistics Company 

Teneo Linguistics Company (TLC) is a certified small, woman-owned language services provider (LSP). But why Teneo? And what is the meaning behind the name?   

When TLC Owner and CEO Hana Laurenzo established the company 15 years ago, she didn’t want to go with the word “language” in the title. It was an overused and taken word among the thousands of LSPs.   

Teneo (tenere, tenui, tentus) is a Latin word meaning to master, to grasp, to hold, to comprehend, to maintain, or to get.   

“When Julius Ceasar stepped off the boat on the North shore of Africa, he got down on the ground, spread his arms as if to hug the land, and said ‘Teneo te, Africa!’ – ‘I hold/have you, Africa!’” Hana described about the word.

“Some say he actually fell on his face when stepping off of the boat and when people were laughing, he turned it into an intentional act, instead. I guess we’ll never know.”  

A name is very valuable in defining a company and creating an identity among competitors – it helps a business stand out from the crowd. A unique company name can help communicate the business strategy and is necessary for branding success.  

Hana adds, “Aside from the meaning, I like it is a conversation starter because people often ask me what that means or tell me they had looked it up. It also shows that we are paying homage to Latin, one of the most significant and influential languages in the history of mankind.”  

In addition, bringing in the word “linguistics” instead of “language” adds a professional and even scientific element to the TLC brand. Linguistics is the scientific study of human language. It is called a scientific study because it entails a comprehensive, systematic, objective, and precise analysis of all aspects of language, particularly its nature and structure.  

TLC has thousands of professional, experienced linguists in its database who are proficient in more than 180 languages. Industries served include life science organizations, government agencies, manufacturing companies, legal firms, educational departments, and a range of other businesses.  

The services TLC provides are customized to fit an agency’s organizational workflow. Lasting partnerships are formed with clients and TLC lives by four Core Values: Excellence, partnership, integrity, and gratitude.  

Overall, the name Teneo Linguistics Company was chosen because it reflects who we are as a business.  

Learn more about how TLC can support your company with language services by visiting www.tlctranslation.com

Ad translation fails that exhibit the importance of experts 

Mistakes happen. But when it comes to advertising in other countries, mistakes can be costly. That’s why it is extremely important to hire a reputable language services provider for culturally-accurate translations.   

This piece will take a look at some funny, yet tragic, advertising translation fails that happened to higher-profile brands.  

Ford’s “Every car has a high-quality corpse” slogan  

After making the decision to expand to Belgium, Ford Motor Company began an ad campaign in Dutch.

What was supposed to be, “Every car has a high-quality body,” actually translated to “Every car has a high-quality corpse.”  

KFC’s “Eat your fingers off” slogan  

Kentucky Fried Chicken created an advertisement in China that was supposed to promote their “Finger lickin’ good” slogan. However, due to a mistranslation with the Mandarin, the slogan read as “Eat your fingers off” — not quite the appetizing message.   

Fortunately for KFC, the branding in China was small enough that the company was able to recover from the mistake.   

Pepsi’s “bring your ancestors back to life”  

Running an ad campaign in China, Pepsi inadvertently mistranslated its “Come alive with Pepsi” to say “Pepsi will bring your ancestors back from the grave.”

Definitely a bold commitment.   

Dairy association’s “Are you lactating?” ad  

Most English speakers know the American Dairy Association’s catchy slogan, “Got Milk?” But when the organization decided to do a campaign in Mexico, that wasn’t the phrase that went out.

The literal translation of “got milk” in Spanish is “are you lactating?” Thankfully, the message was caught very early in the process and adjusted.   

Coors “You will suffer from diarrhea”  

In the early 1980s, Coors started an ad campaign with the slogan, “Turn it loose!” This proved difficult to translate into Spanish.

The phrase translated is actually the slang term for “get diarrhea” in Spanish – not an ideal combination. In full, the tagline translated into “You will suffer from diarrhea!” Oops.    

Teneo Linguistic Company’s marketing and transcreation services ensure messaging is accurate and culturally appropriate. Marketing translation is almost always more transcreation than direct translation. A translator will likely need to localize phrases and words within. This will make sure a company delivers the right meaning to the intended audience.   

No matter how big or small a marketing translation project is, hiring an expert language services provider is vital to ensure top-notch translations. Get a quote today by visiting www.tlctranslation.com

Industries that benefit from professional language services

Having a language services provider (LSP) should always be a part of any company’s plan when it comes to growth. But how do you determine whether your business should hire an LSP? Here is a closer look at some industries that benefit from professional language services.  

• Manufacturing  

The manufacturing industry has a diverse workforce and communication is key in managing a manufacturing workforce. Miscommunication within the industry leads to inefficiency — the inability to collaborate effectively and a decline in productivity.

Translation services help employees understand the inner workings of the company, product specifications, and the quality aspects that need to be addressed strictly while manufacturing a product because the information is in their native language.  

• Healthcare  

Limited English proficient patients who used interpreting services received more inpatient services and office visits. One of the most valuable reasons for healthcare translation services is to provide a way for physicians to effectively communicate with their patients.

In order to deliver the best care possible, doctors cannot be hindered by language barriers. Teneo Linguistics Company utilizes an online platform for on-demand interpreting services to assist in the patient/medical provider relationship.  

• Marketing/Digital Marketing  

Professional translation is important for marketing agencies/departments because it ensures the original message is as intact as possible in another language. It enables businesses to clearly communicate their message to people from different cultures.

In addition, having a solid multilingual/international search engine optimization (SEO) is beneficial for any company’s website.  

• Legal   

Whether you are a lawyer or an individual seeking legal services, hiring an LSP is essential in guaranteeing high-quality and accurate results. Some examples of legal translation and interpreting services TLC provides include contractual documentation, expert witness testimony, patent translation, certified translation, interpreting for depositions and meetings, and audio and video transcription. TLC also has its own website dedicated to personal document translation, which covers a variety of licenses and certificates for individuals.   

• Training/Education  

Translating training and educational content, like manuals and handbooks, is an ideal way to communicate with employees to maximize comprehension. This makes the learning process more accessible and effective for everyone.  The TLC team bridges any gaps in understanding and creates and adapts world-class learning solutions.  

There are many other industries and departments within companies that benefit from hiring a professional language services provider like TLC. This includes government agencies, software development companies, life sciences, retail and e-commerce companies, banking and finance firms, tourism and travel agencies, and the art and entertainment industry.  

TLC provides professional language services the way they should be: Easy, affordable, and tailored to a business’s needs. TLC not only determines a company’s specific requirements but also employs a system for continuous improvement of quality assurance.  

To learn more about how TLC can support your company’s language needs, visit www.tlctranslation.com.   

The TLC difference – our ‘Five Ts’ process

Optimizing a business process is an important part of a company and should be utilized when starting any new project. Because Teneo Linguistics Company has been in business for 15 years, we have developed and fine-tuned our internal process for working with new clients. 

This process is called the “Five Ts” and ensures TLC customers have a smooth experience during translation or other language services projects. It consists of the following:  

  1. Touch: In our initial conversation, we learn about your language needs and how we can support your business. Together, we will see if we’re a good match.  
  1. Team: A hand-picked, experienced team will become acquainted with you and your project(s) to construct innovative ideas and solutions, and foster a meaningful partnership. We believe the best results come from strong partnerships focused on long-term success.    
  1. Tailor: We create a unique plan based on excellence and high performance specific to you. Your dedicated team will dive into our best practices and work collaboratively to finalize a formula that creates value for your company.  
  1. Translate: With our reliable quality, impeccable customer service, and tailored processes, we ensure your project is progressing in a timely manner, and exactly to the specifications we determined together.  
  1. Trust: We believe in doing the right thing, honesty, and transparency, and promise to honor that commitment to all customers and our community every day. We foster a culture of gratitude and appreciate every client and opportunity.  

Having a strong business process in place has several benefits. This includes increased efficiency, better organization, a reduction in errors, improved customer focus, and more effective communication.   

TLC offers a variety of customizable services that fit clients’ individual needs, in over 180 languages. The industries that TLC serves include:  

TLC is a certified small, woman-owned business that has shaped its success by living the four core values of Excellence, Partnership, Integrity, and Gratitude.  

Learn more about how TLC’s language services can support your company at www.tlctranslation.com.

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