Hire a professional for legal translation services

Whether you are a lawyer or an individual seeking legal services, hiring a certified professional translation provider is essential in guaranteeing high-quality and accurate results.

While English continues to be the primary language spoken in the United States, there are more than 350 languages spoken in the country. And according to the Center for Immigration Studies, 67.3 million residents in the U.S. spoke a foreign language at home in 2018. That number continues to grow each year. 

This means lawyers represent a large number of Low English Proficient people in the US. 

Some of the biggest questions attorneys ask themselves before looking into professional translation services are:

  • Is the translation provider certified?
  • How many years of experience does the provider have in legal translation?
  • How quickly will documents be prepared by the provider?
  • Does the translation services provider have a good reputation?

To answer these questions, TLC has translators with legal backgrounds and continually educates its linguists to guarantee the best quality possible. TLC also utilizes the right blend of technology and human talent to increase productivity. Processes are ISO certified, predictable, and repeatable and TLC has achieved 100% satisfaction rates from its legal customers. TLC uses a secure customer platform for file exchange and ordering of certified legal translation or interpreting services. 

Partnering with a professional translation services provider is not only important in due process, but can also improve the relationship between the attorney and client. 

When it comes to an individual seeking legal translation, utilizing online translation tools may work in personal cases but for legal documentation, a professional translator is the way to go.

It’s also important not to risk being turned away because a family member or friend inaccurately translated, for example, immigration documents. And when any legal document is translated, many courts and government organizations require those documents to be certified for accuracy.

Teneo Linguistics Company provides certified translation for contractual documentation, patents, expert witness testimony, and licensing. In addition, TLC offers interpreting for depositions and meetings as well as audio and video transcription. 

Hire TLC for your next legal translation project and experience translation the way it should be: easy, fast, effective, and with unparalleled customer services. Learn more by visiting www.tlctranslation.com.

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