Steep Rise in K-12 E-learning Triggers Increased Demand for Translation Services

Every year, an increasing number of school districts in the United States offer E-learning and blended online courses as part of their curriculum for students. In fact, 59% of school districts reported that they have students enrolled in heavily online-based courses.

This rising trend has E-learning organizations, educational assessment companies, and school districts on the hunt for quality educational language services to give students equal access to education.

What’s most important in Educational Translation?

Schools and education-centered organizations that provide online courses and educational software for students have to account for more than 4.8 million students classified as English language learners (ELLs) in the US. These students are not proficient in English and require the same language access to education as their English-proficient peers as required by Title VI.

Delivering equal access means these organizations and school districts need professional, quality translation of educational software, multimedia, assignments, assessments, and all supporting course materials for ELL students.

Partnering with a language services provider experienced in educational translation is the most successful strategy for providing ELL students equal access to online and blended courses.

But what should schools and educational organizations look for when seeking educational translation? What factors are most important?


One of the most important factors is consistency in translating the same words and phrases the same way – every time. For example, in assessment translation, it is crucial that terms and phrases are consistent so that ELL students experience fair and balanced testing.

Want to know more about the assessment translation process? Download our free guide.

Schools have to follow language requirements created by education boards which can vary from state to state. It is imperative that these requirements are followed from project-to-project to maintain consistency and compliance.

At Teneo Linguistics Company (TLC), we use translation memory (TM) technology to maintain consistent messaging throughout all translated materials. TM technology also saves money for our returning clients over time.


When it comes to seeking a partnership with a language services provider, educational organizations & schools should seek a language services provider who is experienced in customizing processes to be compatible with their needs.

At TLC, we will utilize our client’s software, technology, and tools as they deem fit to successfully communicate with their team and deliver the project. Our clients often appreciate our willingness to learn how to use their online portals and software (for example, ABBI) to efficiently communicate and deliver the project.

Quality Assurance

Professional translation should always include multiple quality checks before a project is delivered. It takes a team of experienced language professionals with a specialty in educational translation to accurately translate & review content.

TLC offers multiple levels of quality assurance checks and Certified Translation. We are also an ISO certified company, continually improving our processes.

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