Translation Theory: Dynamic and Formal Equivalence

Formal and dynamic equivalence are terms that were coined by Eugene Nida, an American linguist. He created the terminology to talk about translations of the most translated book of all time, The Bible. He is widely considered to be one of the founders of translation study.

What is Formal Equivalence?

Formal equivalence is a literal, word-for-word translation. The goal is to stay as close to the original text as possible. The translation will preserve the lexical details, grammatical structure, vocabulary, and syntax of the source text. This assumes the reader knows the cultural and linguistic context of the source text.

Pros of Formal Equivalence

Translating the text as faithfully as possible allows the reader to come to their own conclusions about the text. It is more likely to retain the direct meaning of the text and less likely to be influenced by the translator. Formal equivalence allows for untranslated idioms and strives to avoid localization, so those who are familiar with the source culture and language can come to their own conclusions.

What is Dynamic Equivalence?

With dynamic equivalence, the target audience is taken into account. The text will be translated in a way that may make more sense than a direct translation. Dynamic equivalence wants to preserve the response of the reader – that is, the reader’s response to the translation should be the same as the reader’s response to the original.

Pros of Dynamic Equivalence

If the source language differs greatly from the target language, maintaining the original syntax and grammar can make the translated text difficult to read. Dynamic equivalence allows the translator to make edits as needed so the translated text is comprehensible. Oftentimes, the target audience is not familiar with the source language or culture and needs idioms and references explained or localized to make sense.

In the end, the best approach is often a blend of formal and dynamic equivalence. The translator must consider the target audience and adapt the text appropriately. Adapting for the target audience is an important skill that can sometimes be overlooked. When you’re looking to have text translated, you should find a qualified language service provider who can ensure a quality translation for your audience. TLC can help. Contact us today for a free quote.

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