The 7 Characteristics of Our Translators

Our translators are educated, reliable, passionate and fun to work with. They are the cornerstone of our business, the pillar we lean on every day with all of our projects. And, contrary to popular belief, it is by far not enough to just speak two languages well. A good translator goes well beyond that. So, here are just some of the characteristics our translators have in common:

  1. TLC translators are people with very high standard of education. All of them have a college degree, most of them a post-graduate one. They are either linguists with skills and experience in a specialized area such as business, medicine, law, or science. Or, they are specialists in their field, such as health care professionals, who also possess excellent linguistic skills. They all have more than 5 years’ experience. And they were handpicked by our hiring manager for their translation and communication skills.
  2. Our translators are detailed and methodical. Frequently, they will spend a long time searching for the one word or phrase that will make your translation just perfect.
  3. They are self-motivated and disciplined. Most translators are freelancers who work from the peace and quiet of their home. You might picture someone who spends a few hours a day playing with words and taking a nap here and there. But the opposite is the truth. Our deadlines can be crushing, the stress is great and translation never was just about reading and rewriting a sentence.
  4. TLC translators are committed. They dedicate their lives to learning. While it only takes a couple of years to learn a foreign language, it takes a lifetime to master it. Translators find pleasure in discovering something new every day and putting it to good use when they work.
  5. Our translators are also computer-savvy people. They work in a variety of applications including some very, very specialized ones. The times of typewriters are long gone and with them also the idea that just typing is enough. Nowadays we format documents, produce layout options and, generally, stay on top of every type of a document imaginable.
  6. Our translators are professionals. They would rather refuse the work we offer them than produce a subpar result, perhaps in a field they do not understand all that well. Day after day, they deliver a 100% outstanding job.
  7. TLC translators are ethical. They frequently point out mistakes we or our clients made that could jeopardize our client’s success. They never try to “outsmart” the system. What matters to them is long term cooperation, belonging to a good team and making a living doing what they love.

We are so very fortunate to work with the most talented, loyal team imaginable. And now that we shared that with you, hopefully you will know that next time you send a translation project over, it will be in the very best hands.

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