Navigating the AI frontier in language services

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a game-changer, revolutionizing the way we approach language services. However, amidst the rapid advancements, the role of human translators remains indispensable.

Let’s explore the profound impact of AI on the language services industry and why human translators continue to play a crucial role.

Over the past few years, AI has made significant strides in natural language processing, machine translation, and linguistic analysis. AI-powered tools and platforms now offer quick and cost-effective solutions for translation tasks, enabling businesses and individuals to communicate across linguistic barriers with unprecedented ease.

AI-driven translation tools have significantly improved the speed, cost, and adaptability of content that can be translated.

Why Human Translators Are Still Essential

While AI has undoubtedly transformed the language services landscape, human translators bring unique qualities that AI struggles to replicate.

Cultural Nuances and Context

Language is deeply intertwined with culture, and understanding the subtle nuances is crucial for accurate translation. Human translators possess the cultural knowledge and contextual understanding needed to convey messages appropriately.

Creativity and Style

Translation is not just about converting words from one language to another; it’s about preserving the essence, style, and tone of the original content. Human translators bring a creative touch that AI lacks, ensuring that the translated text reads naturally and resonates with the target audience.

Subject Matter Expertise

In specialized fields such as legal, medical, or technical translation, human translators with subject matter expertise are irreplaceable. They possess the knowledge necessary to accurately convey complex terminology and concepts.

Ethical Considerations

Language is a powerful tool, and the nuances of ethical considerations in translation are better navigated by humans. Delicate matters, such as confidentiality and privacy, require the judgment and discretion of a human translator.

As we reflect on the transformative impact of AI in the language services industry, it’s evident that the synergy between artificial intelligence and human translators is the key to unlocking the full potential of effective communication.

While AI brings efficiency and speed, human translators bring the depth of cultural understanding, creativity, and expertise that technology alone cannot replace.

Teneo Linguistics Company (TLC) utilizes a fusion of cutting-edge technology and human talent to bring companies the fastest, most accurate, secure, and affordable language services.

As we move forward, embracing the collaborative power of AI and human intelligence will be essential for meeting the diverse and evolving needs of our globalized world. Cheers to a future where man and machine work hand in hand to bridge language gaps and foster meaningful connections.

Learn more about how TLC can support your business with services that are the perfect blend of human creativity and technology performed by hand-picked staff. Visit

The crucial role of professional language services in HR translation

For corporations and organizations with diverse workforces, this time of year often comes with updated policies, communications, and documentation. Ensuring that every employee, regardless of their native language, can fully understand and engage with these materials is paramount.

This is where a Language Services Provider (LSP) steps in, playing a pivotal role in fostering effective communication and upholding inclusivity in the workplace.

The Multifaceted Function of an LSP

A language services provider, like Teneo Linguistics Company (TLC), is a professional entity specializing in linguistic and cultural solutions. Within the context of human resources, an LSP’s primary role is translating vital documents such as employee handbooks, policies, training materials, and compliance forms into various languages.

Facilitating Clear Communication                                                                             

Effective communication is the cornerstone of a successful organization. In multinational companies, where employees may speak a multitude of languages, a comprehensive translation of HR documents is indispensable.

This ensures that every member of the team comprehends their rights, responsibilities, and the company’s expectations, thus promoting a harmonious and productive work environment.

Legal Compliance and Risk Mitigation

Inaccurate or incomplete translations of HR documents can lead to legal complications and risks. Compliance with local labor laws and regulations is paramount when a company operates in multiple jurisdictions.

An LSP with expertise in HR translations ensures that every document is aligned with legal standards in the respective regions.

Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusivity

Language is intertwined with culture, and understanding this connection is crucial for effective communication. An LSP not only translates words but also considers cultural nuances, idiomatic expressions, and sensitivities. By doing so, they help create an inclusive workplace where employees from diverse backgrounds feel valued and understood.

Boosting Employee Morale and Engagement

When employees receive information in their native language, it conveys a message of respect and recognition. This, in turn, boosts morale and engenders a sense of belonging among team members. Studies have shown that employees who feel valued are more engaged and committed to their work, which ultimately contributes to higher productivity levels.

Supporting Global Expansion

For companies looking to expand into new markets, the expertise of an LSP is invaluable.

They can guide businesses through the process of adapting HR policies and procedures to meet the specific requirements of different regions, thereby streamlining the expansion process.

As we approach the end of the year, it is imperative for businesses to take stock of their internal operations and prepare for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

By investing in professional language services, companies demonstrate their commitment to fostering an inclusive, engaged, and harmonious work environment. This strengthens internal operations and sets the stage for success in the global marketplace.

Language Diversity: Celebrating the world’s endangered languages

Language is not just a tool for communication; it is the soul of a culture, the key to heritage, and the gateway to knowledge.

The world is a mosaic of diverse linguistic traditions, each reflecting the unique identity and history of its speakers. Sadly, many languages are at risk of extinction. This piece will explore the importance of language diversity, the challenges faced by endangered languages, and why it is crucial to celebrate and preserve them.

The Rich Tapestry of Language Diversity

At the heart of every linguistic tradition lies a treasure trove of customs, stories, and wisdom that has been passed down through generations.

There are currently over 7,000 languages spoken worldwide, each offering a unique lens through which to view the world. From the tonal complexities of Mandarin to the poetic cadence of Italian and the intricate grammar of Navajo, every language is a window into the human experience.

The Challenges of Endangerment

Despite the importance of linguistic diversity, many languages are disappearing at an alarming rate. Economic pressures, globalization, urbanization, and dominant languages’ influence are just a few factors contributing to language endangerment. When speakers of small, marginalized communities shift to larger, dominant languages for social or economic reasons, they take with them a piece of their culture and heritage.

Why Language Diversity Matters

Preserving Cultural Identity: Language is the primary vehicle for transmitting cultural knowledge, beliefs, and practices. When a language disappears, so does the culture it represents. Preserving endangered languages ensures that diverse cultural identities continue to thrive.

Ecological Knowledge: Indigenous languages often carry unique ecological knowledge and traditional practices that foster sustainable relationships with the environment. Losing these languages may mean losing valuable insights into biodiversity and sustainable living.

Linguistic Diversity Equals Cognitive Diversity: Different languages structure reality in distinct ways, affecting the thought processes of their speakers. This cognitive diversity fosters innovation and creative problem-solving.

Social Inclusivity: Promoting linguistic diversity ensures that minority communities are not excluded, marginalized, or subjected to linguistic discrimination. It fosters inclusivity and encourages respect for different worldviews.

Efforts to Preserve Endangered Languages

Thankfully, the efforts to preserve endangered languages are gaining momentum worldwide. Governments, organizations, and linguistic enthusiasts are stepping forward to document, revitalize, and promote these languages.

Some of the initiatives include:

Language Documentation: Linguists work closely with native speakers to document endangered languages through recordings, dictionaries, and grammar books.

Language Revitalization: Community-driven revitalization programs focus on teaching endangered languages to younger generations through immersion programs and educational institutions.

Technology and Social Media: Social media platforms have emerged as powerful tools for language preservation, as they enable speakers to connect, share resources, and promote their languages globally.

Cultural Exchange: Language and cultural exchange programs help in fostering mutual respect and appreciation for linguistic diversity among different communities.

Celebrating Endangered Languages

International Mother Language Day: Celebrated on February 21st, this UNESCO initiative promotes linguistic and cultural diversity and encourages people to celebrate their mother tongue.

Language Festivals and Workshops: Organizing language festivals and workshops can be a fun and engaging way to celebrate endangered languages and raise awareness.

Multilingual Education: Incorporating endangered languages into educational curricula promotes their use and appreciation among the younger generation.

Language diversity is an irreplaceable part of our shared human heritage. Each language adds a unique hue to the global canvas of culture and knowledge. By valuing and protecting these endangered languages, we celebrate the very essence of what makes us human.

Teneo Linguistics Company (TLC) is a certified small, woman-owned language services provider that offers a variety of customizable services to fit our customers’ individual needs, in over 180 languages. Learn more about TLC and how we can support your company with expert language services at

How digital communication is shaping the way we speak, write

The rise of social media and digital communication platforms has transformed the way we interact with each other, including how we speak and write.

The unique characteristics of social media platforms have significantly influenced our language and communication patterns in this digital age. Social media has altered our communication methods. We now use shorter messages, emojis, hashtags, and abbreviations. This has resulted in a new way of expressing ourselves.

This piece will explore how social media and digital communication have shaped our language, for better or worse, and examine the impact it has had on our daily communication.

The Age of Brevity

Social media platforms have imposed limitations on the length of messages, forcing us to condense our thoughts and ideas into bite-sized snippets. The popularity of microblogging platforms like Twitter, with its 280-character limit, has led to the rise of concise and to-the-point communication.

The art of conveying meaningful messages within these constraints has become a valuable skill. As a result, we have witnessed a shift towards brevity, where acronyms, abbreviations, and shortened words have become commonplace.

The Language of Emojis

In an era where a picture is worth a thousand words, emojis have emerged as a powerful tool for expression. These tiny icons transcend language barriers and allow us to convey emotions and sentiments in a visually appealing manner.

With a single emoji, we can express joy, sadness, sarcasm, or even complex ideas. Emojis have become an integral part of digital communication, often serving as substitutes for textual descriptions. The language of emojis has enabled us to enhance our written communication by adding nuance and context to our messages.

The Rise of Hashtags

Hashtags, originally popularized by Twitter, have revolutionized the way we organize and discover content on social media platforms. They serve as keywords or tags that categorize posts, making them easily searchable and allowing users to join conversations on specific topics.

Hashtags have not only influenced the way we write but also how we think about our messages. They have become a powerful tool for amplifying voices, promoting social causes, and creating communities around shared interests.

Informalization of Language

Social media has witnessed the blurring of formal and informal language boundaries. The need for quick and casual communication has led to the adoption of colloquial language, slang, and memes in digital conversations.

This informality has seeped into other forms of written communication, including emails and professional interactions. While it fosters a sense of familiarity and relatability, it also poses challenges in maintaining a distinction between formal and informal contexts.

Amplified Expression and Connectivity

Social media platforms have provided a platform for individuals to express themselves freely and connect with like-minded people. Digital communication has given a voice to marginalized groups and facilitated the sharing of diverse perspectives.

It has allowed individuals to engage in public discourse, raise awareness about social issues, and mobilize support for various causes. The democratization of communication has empowered individuals to shape public opinion and influence societal change.

As we navigate this ever-evolving landscape, it is crucial to strike a balance between embracing the advantages of digital communication and preserving the richness of language.

We can use social media and still communicate meaningfully in the digital age by adapting to new ways of expressing ourselves.

Teneo Linguistics Company (TLC) is a certified small, woman-owned business that specializes in a variety of customizable language services in over 180 languages. Learn more about how TLC can support your company with professional language services at

Pitfalls of relying on bilingual employees as translators

Language barriers can be a significant hurdle for businesses looking to expand their reach. To overcome this obstacle, many companies often turn to their bilingual employees for translation tasks.

While utilizing bilingual staff may seem like a cost-effective solution, it is crucial to understand the potential pitfalls and drawbacks associated with this approach. Here is a closer look into why relying solely on bilingual employees as translators may not be the best choice for your business.

Limited Translation Expertise

Fluency in two or more languages does not automatically guarantee translation proficiency. Translation is a complex skill that requires a deep understanding of both the source and target languages, as well as cultural nuances, idiomatic expressions, and industry-specific terminology.

Bilingual employees may lack the specialized training and expertise that professional translators possess, leading to inaccuracies, misinterpretations, and potential misunderstandings.

Diverted Focus from Core Responsibilities

Assigning translation tasks to bilingual employees can lead to a significant diversion of their attention from their primary roles within the company. This can adversely affect their productivity, as they may have to sacrifice their time and energy for translation work rather than focusing on their core responsibilities.

Overburdening employees with additional tasks can lead to burnout and a decrease in overall job satisfaction, potentially impacting their performance in other areas.

Potential Bias and Conflict of Interest

Using bilingual employees as translators may create conflicts of interest or bias. When an employee translates documents or communications for their employer, they may inadvertently alter the content to align with their personal views or company goals. This bias can distort the intended message and compromise the accuracy and impartiality of the translation.

To ensure objective and unbiased translations, it is best to engage external professional translators who are dedicated to delivering accurate and neutral translations.

Lack of Time and Availability

Translation projects often have tight deadlines and require quick turnarounds. Bilingual employees may not have the bandwidth or availability to meet these demands consistently. Juggling translation work alongside their regular duties can result in delays, rushed translations, or compromised quality.

A professional language services provider like Teneo Linguistics Company (TLC), on the other hand, has dedicated teams and resources specifically designed to handle time-sensitive projects, ensuring timely and high-quality translations.

Potential Legal and Regulatory Risks

Certain industries, such as healthcare, finance, and legal services, require precise and accurate translations to comply with specific regulations and standards. Relying solely on bilingual employees for translation in these sectors can pose significant legal and regulatory risks.

Professional translators possess the necessary expertise and knowledge to ensure compliance with industry-specific requirements, reducing the chances of legal issues or misinterpretations.

While it may be tempting to utilize bilingual employees as translators to save costs and streamline internal processes, it is crucial to consider the potential drawbacks and risks involved.

Investing in professional translation services ensures that your business communications are accurately conveyed, allowing you to build trust, avoid misunderstandings, and effectively engage with a global audience.

Teneo Linguistics Company is a certified small, woman-owned business that specializes in a variety of customizable language services in over 180 languages. Learn more about how TLC can assist your company’s language needs at

Global Marketing: Adapting content to local cultural norms

In today’s interconnected world, businesses have unprecedented opportunities to reach global audiences. However, as they expand their reach across borders, one crucial aspect of marketing cannot be overlooked: localization.

Localization involves adapting content and marketing strategies to fit the cultural norms, preferences, and languages of specific target markets. By tailoring their messages to resonate with local audiences, businesses can create more impactful marketing campaigns and foster strong connections with potential customers worldwide.

Understanding Cultural Diversity

Cultural diversity is a defining characteristic of our world, with each country, region, and even city possessing its unique set of values, traditions, and linguistic nuances. What may be appealing or acceptable in one culture can be completely misunderstood or even offensive in another.

Localization recognizes and respects these differences by ensuring that marketing content is not only translated accurately but also adapted to reflect the cultural context of the target market.

Language Adaptation

Language is the most fundamental element of localization. While English is widely spoken and understood, a large portion of the global population prefers consuming content in their native language. Thus, translating marketing materials into the local language is essential for effective communication.

It is crucial to go beyond mere translation and consider linguistic nuances, idiomatic expressions, and even regional dialects. Localizing content ensures that it resonates with the target audience, making them feel more connected to the brand and its offerings.

Cultural Nuances

Beyond language, cultural norms and values play a vital role in shaping consumer behavior. What may be considered appropriate or desirable in one culture might be perceived differently in another. Localization involves adapting content to reflect these cultural nuances. This can involve modifying imagery, adjusting color schemes, using locally relevant examples, and incorporating cultural references that resonate with the target audience.

By doing so, businesses demonstrate their understanding and respect for the local culture, fostering a sense of familiarity and trust.

Customizing Marketing Strategies

Localization also involves customizing marketing strategies to align with local preferences and market dynamics. This may include adjusting pricing structures, promotional tactics, distribution channels, and even product features to cater to specific markets.

By acknowledging and adapting to the unique needs and preferences of local consumers, businesses can gain a competitive edge and position themselves as trusted partners rather than foreign entities.

Building Trust and Brand Loyalty

Localization surpasses mere communication; it builds trust and establishes brand loyalty. When businesses invest in understanding and adapting to local cultural norms, they demonstrate their commitment to the local community and their willingness to cater to their needs.

This level of customization creates a deeper connection with consumers, leading to higher engagement, increased brand awareness, and ultimately, customer loyalty. By acknowledging the importance of localization, businesses can foster long-term relationships with customers worldwide.

Localization is important for businesses to succeed in global markets and grow sustainably. Investing in this helps navigate complexities and empowers success.

Teneo Linguistics Company offers customized localization and transcreation services in addition to professional translation, interpreting, transcription, consulting, and bilingual staffing. TLC is a certified small, woman-owned business that specializes in these services in over 180 languages. Visit to get a quote for your business today. 

Transcription in research: Maximizing data accuracy, accessibility

Research is an essential component of progress and development in various fields such as medicine, technology, and social sciences. However, conducting research can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to collecting and analyzing data.

Multilingual transcription plays a vital role in research by ensuring data accuracy and accessibility.

What is Multilingual Transcription?

Multilingual transcription involves the process of converting audio or video recordings in different languages into written text.

This process enables researchers to analyze and understand data more effectively. It involves listening to the recordings, transcribing them into written text, and translating the text into the desired language.

Multilingual transcription is essential in research for several reasons:

• It ensures data accuracy. Transcribing audio or video recordings into written text makes it easier to analyze the data accurately. It also eliminates errors that may occur during the transcription process, such as omitting critical information or misinterpreting the meaning of words.

• Multilingual transcription increases data accessibility. Transcribing data into written text makes it easier for researchers to access and analyze the data. It also allows researchers to share the data with others, which increases collaboration and enables further research and analysis.

• It is crucial for conducting cross-cultural research. Researchers may encounter participants who speak different languages, and therefore, multilingual transcription allows for the transcription of data from different languages. This increases the accuracy and validity of research findings as it allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the research topic.

• It is essential for researchers who are not fluent in the language spoken by their participants. Transcribing data into written text allows researchers to understand the data more effectively, even if they are not fluent in the language spoken by the participants.

• Finally, multilingual transcription is necessary for conducting research in multilingual settings. Transcribing data in multiple languages allows researchers to analyze and compare data across different languages and cultures, which enhances their understanding of the research topic.

Multilingual transcription increases collaboration between researchers and allows for further research and analysis. Therefore, it is essential for researchers to prioritize multilingual transcription to maximize the accuracy and validity of their research findings.

Teneo Linguistics Company (TLC) offers both audio and video transcription services in most language combinations. Producing high-quality, clear, and frequently confidential transcription can be a complex process that TLC handles with ease and at an affordable price.

From taped meetings and video surveillance to conference proceedings, seminars, e-learning, clinical interviews, market research, psychological assessments, and podcasts, TLC provides transcription services that are tailored to a company’s needs.

Get a quote today by visiting

How language shapes our thoughts, perception of the world

Language is a powerful tool that we use to communicate with others and express our thoughts and ideas. However, it also plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts and perception of the world.

From how we see colors and shapes to how we understand complex ideas, language influences how we experience and interact with the world around us.

One of the most significant ways in which language shapes our perception is through the categorization of objects and concepts. We use language to label and organize the things we encounter, which can influence how we perceive them.

One of the most important uses of language is the definition of the self, besides others, and the relations between these groups. Pronouns like I, you, and we exist in almost all languages, but very few languages use the same assortment. The formal-informal distinction is still found in many widely spoken modern languages, like French, Spanish, Italian, and Russian (among many others), and is as such quite familiar.

Standard Chinese has two pronouns for ‘we’— one excluding the person to who the language addressed (us but not you), and another ‘we’ for including that person (us and you). This sort of flexibility offers speakers more frequent chances to distinguish these differences between in-and-out groups.

Similarly, expressing action in relation to other people in Japanese requires the consideration of many distinctions entirely absent from English. Perhaps most dramatically, most verbs that take another as a direct or indirect object must be appended with a suffix which signals whether or not that other person is a member of one’s social in- or out-group, and whether the action was kindly received by a superior within that community hierarchy, or kindly performed for one to whom the speaker is either a peer or a superior, such as a close friend in an especially informal setting, or a younger family member or pet.

English speakers don’t use ‘thou’ anymore, but for Japanese speakers, even the word ‘to do’— is a choice between yaru (for those below the speaker in hierarchy) and suru (neutral).

In English, we use different words to describe blue and describe tints of blue by adding an adjective to the front, such as light blue and dark blue. In contrast in Russian, there are entirely different words for light blue, goluboi, and dark blue, siniy. If an English speaker requested that they be handed a red item from an assortment, and instead received the pink one, they’d feel their request was mishandled— not that there was an ambiguity in their request. Similarly, a Russian speaker expecting a new car in navy blue would be shocked to receive one in cornflower or sky blue. As in English, Russian also treats red and pink as distinct colors.

Similarly, the way in which languages categorize nouns can also shape how speakers perceive and remember them. For example, in English, we categorize objects as either animate, living, or inanimate, non-living. However, in some languages, such as Spanish and French, objects are categorized as either masculine or feminine, which can influence how speakers remember and conceptualize those objects.

Language can also shape our perception of time and space. For example, in English, we tend to think of time as a linear progression, with the past behind us and the future ahead. Certain languages, like Turkish and Japanese, make sure to relate whether or not a past event was directly experienced, or if it was simply related to the speaker.

In English, “It rained.” is so simple as to feel objective and factual, yet Turkish speakers must first consider whether to say, “Yağmur yağdı”, i.e. it rained, and I saw the rain, or “Yağmur yağmış”, i.e. everything is wet; it rained.

However, some cultures, such as the Aymara people of South America, think of time as moving from east to west, with the past in front of them and the future behind.

This difference in perception can influence how speakers of different languages plan for the future, as well as how they remember past events.

Similarly, the way in which languages describe spatial relationships can also shape how speakers perceive and navigate the world.

In English, we use words like in, on, and under to describe the location of objects. However, some languages, such as Tzeltal Maya, use words that describe the shape and orientation of objects in relation to each other, which can lead speakers to perceive spatial relationships differently.

Finally, language can also influence how we perceive and express emotions. Different languages have different words and expressions for emotions, which can influence how speakers perceive and experience those emotions. In Japanese, there are many words for different types of sadness and happiness. The most frequently used and general word, 悲しい kanashii is quite similar to the most limited sense of the English word sad.

In English, ‘sad’ has multiple distinct meanings: in addition to the opposite of happy (as described above), one can also use ‘sad’ to evaluate a person, situation, or circumstance in the sense of wretched, or deplorable. In Japanese, we’d need a totally different word, 嘆かわしい nagekawashii. 痛ましい itamashii, however, takes the kanji for ‘injury’ or ‘pain’ to mean sadness with a specific point of heartbreak or tragedy responsible for the emotion.  

While English also has many different words for sadness, the point is that the lack of direct equivalencies leads to different expressions of the nature, origin, and circumstance of the emotion of sadness.

As we continue to study language and its effects on the brain and behavior, we can gain a deeper understanding of how language shapes our perception of the world and the implications of these effects for communication and cognition.

Teneo Linguistics Company is a certified small, woman-owned business that specializes in a variety of customizable language services in over 180 languages. Learn more by visiting

TLC continues its success by living four core values

Every successful company has a set of core values that guides its decision-making, shapes its culture, and defines its identity.

Values are the fundamental principles that govern how a company operates, how it treats its employees, customers, and stakeholders, and how it contributes to society. They are the foundation upon which a company builds its reputation and its brand, and they play a crucial role in determining its long-term success.

Teneo Linguistics Company has shaped its success by living its core values of Excellence, Partnership, Integrity, and Gratitude.

EXCELLENCE – Aim for greatness and do your best work.

TLC employees focus on quality and performance. They set high standards and work to continually improve in all areas of their lives. Excellence requires discipline, hard work, and a commitment to excellence in all areas.

Companies that prioritize excellence as a core value are more likely to succeed and achieve long-term success by delivering exceptional products and services to their customers, attracting and retaining top talent, and building a reputation for excellence in their industry.

PARTNERSHIP – Be humble, relational, and service-oriented.

This core value emphasizes the importance of collaboration, teamwork, and building strong relationships with customers, employees, and stakeholders. The company works together towards a common goal, sharing knowledge, resources, and expertise, and creating mutually beneficial outcomes.

TLC creates a culture of collaboration and trust that fosters innovation, growth, and mutual success. Additionally, TLC promotes open communication, respect, and empathy, which leads to a more harmonious and productive workplace.

INTEGRITY – Do the right thing, even when no one is looking.

Do the right thing, even when no one is watching. TLC earns the trust and loyalty of its customers, employees, and stakeholders and is committed to ethical behavior, fair business practices, and responsible stewardship of resources.

Integrity helps to promote accountability, respect, and professionalism, leading to a more positive and productive workplace culture. By upholding the highest standards of integrity, TLC builds a strong reputation for trustworthiness, credibility, and social responsibility.

GRATITUDE – Appreciate the little things (and the big things!).

TLC shows appreciation for the efforts of others and expresses gratitude for the opportunities and experiences that have shaped its success. TLC cultivates a positive and supportive workplace culture and promotes an attitude of gratitude by recognizing the contributions of employees, acknowledging the support of customers and stakeholders, and giving back to communities.

Gratitude encourages empathy, compassion, and positivity, leading to a more productive workplace. By fostering a culture of gratitude, TLC creates a sense of belonging and purpose among its employees and has built a reputation for social responsibility and community engagement. TLC is thankful for every partnership, every project, and every team member.

TLC has continued to upkeep its award-winning reputation by living these core values for over 15 years. Learn more about TLC and its services by visiting

Security measures to consider when choosing an LSP

Language services are essential for businesses and organizations that operate in a globalized world. From translation to interpreting, language services help to bridge communication gaps and enable effective communication across borders.

In turn, security is crucial in selecting a language services provider (LSP) because of the nature of the information that is shared. Businesses and organizations often share confidential and sensitive information that could have significant consequences if it falls into the wrong hands.

For example, a company may share financial information, legal documents, or trade secrets with a language service provider to be translated. If this information is not adequately protected, it could be accessed by unauthorized parties, leading to financial loss, legal disputes, or damage to the company’s reputation.

All Teneo Linguistics Company (TLC) language professionals are bound by confidentiality agreements. In the process of handling sensitive documents, TLC uses standard security certificates, protocols, and secure systems to protect the information.

Here are some best practices for ensuring security in language services:

Choose a reputable language services provider

When choosing an LSP, it’s essential to do research and choose a reputable provider with a strong track record of security. Look for providers that have ISO 27001 certification, which is the international standard for information security management. This certification ensures that the provider has implemented a comprehensive security management system to protect client data.

TLC has continued to pass its ISO 27001 certification audits over the years. This achievement translates into a commitment to protecting TLC clients’ data and systems.

Secure data transmission

LSPs should use secure methods for transmitting data, such as encrypted email or secure file transfer protocol (SFTP). SFTP is a protocol that provides secure file transfers between computers, and it’s a preferred method for transmitting large files securely.

Ensure secure storage

Customer data should be stored in a secure and protected environment. This includes using firewalls, access controls, and encryption to prevent unauthorized access to client data. Providers should also have backup and disaster recovery plans in place to ensure that data can be restored in case of a breach or system failure.

Protect confidentiality

LSPs should have strict confidentiality policies in place to ensure that client data is not shared with unauthorized parties. Providers should also ensure that their staff members sign confidentiality agreements and receive appropriate training to understand the importance of protecting client data.

Monitor and assess security measures

An LSP should regularly monitor and assess its security measures to identify and address any vulnerabilities. Providers should also conduct regular security audits to ensure that they are in compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Ultimately, choosing a reputable language service provider, like TLC, can ensure that their language services are secure and reliable. Don’t be afraid to inquire about the above information when deciding what LSP to work with.

TLC’s customers already know high-quality translation services are always provided. And they also have the peace of mind of knowing that TLC has processes, systems, and technology in place to provide the highest possible level of data security out there. Data security is even more important now when people work remotely or in a hybrid scenario.

Learn more about TLC’s language services by visiting

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